- Target:
- City Council
- Region:
- United States of America
- Website:
- www.youtube.com
Over a hundred years ago the founders of Cadbury tried to do something about slavery involved in cocoa production.
Now we are in the 21st century and over 40% of the chocolate consumed in America is tainted with slavery.
There are hundreds of thousands of children who work in slavery in the Ivory Coast producing cocoa that Nestle, Hersey's and all our other favorite chocolate companies buy.
The only way to stop the supply of slave chocolate, and therefor stop the slavery, is to stop the demand.
Bethlehem should be the first place where America takes a stand and in light of our ethics ban slave chocolate. I am a proud American, but I find it hard to claim we support and work for freedom around the globe when such a luxurious food is knowingly produce from the products of slaves.
Change needs to come one city at a time, if the Federal government passed a law banning slave produced cocoa, the chocolate market would experience a serious shock.
Sadly, with the way politics work, for this reason our congress will never pass such a law. If other cities slowly follow our lead, slowly the demand for fair trade (slave free) chocolate will increase, and the demand for dirty chocolate will decrease.
This is an issue which we the people have to resolve.
We, the undersigned, request that Bethlehem pass a law banning the sale of chocolate that is tainted with slavery.
We wish that all cocoa products in our town be of fair trade origin so that we know there are no people, especially children, exploited in the production of our candies.
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The Slavery used in chocolate is wrong, let's ban it in Bethlehem petition to City Council was written by edward F Cilli and is in the category Children's Rights at GoPetition.