#Animal Welfare
United States of America

This petition's goals are to make all animal shelters in the U.S. no-kill shelters! This would mean once an animal is rescued by a shelter or sanctuary the animals no longer have to worry about unnecessary euthanasia.

Any current shelter operating that euthanizes animals after a period of no interest or adoption should be turned over to an organization or owner who will operate a NO-KILL shelter.

You don't have to be American to make a difference one country at a time!

We, the undersigned, call on the United States of America to eliminate KILL animal shelters & forcibly remove the owners and/or operators of kill animal shelters to allow the establishment to be operated in accordance with this.

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The Stop ALL Kill Shelters in America petition to Congress was written by Steffy: Special Senior Doxie and is in the category Animal Welfare at GoPetition.