- Target:
- The EU, UK National Government, The Department for Work & Pensions
- Region:
- United Kingdom
The UK officially went into recession during the last 3 months of 2008 where there were more than two consecutive quarters of negative economic growth. This evidently had a devastating impact on employment figures in the UK (UK in recession as economy slides: BBC News: website).
Coming out the recession the figures aren't getting any better. Within the last quarter the total number of unemployed people increased by 44,000 to reach 2.49 million. Youth unemployment reaching 965,000, the highest figure since such records began in 1992. And the long-term unemployment also deteriorated, with 17,000 more people out of work for more than a year, to a total of 833,000. (Economy tracker: BBC & Office of National Statistics: Respective websites)
Unemployment can make it hard to pay bills, and failing to do so can damage your job prospects and carry over to your credit rating. More and more companies (especially thoses in the financial sector - those directly linked to the recession between 2008-2010) are demanding that credit checks are conducted before you enter into employment with them.
This means employment opportunities can be lost and the duration of unemployment is lengthened for certain individuals. This creates a vicious cycle of chronic unemployment and state dependency. This form of discrimination hits those most vulnerable as well as disadvantaged groups such as single mothers, young people and disabled individuals.
This petition proposes there should be a ban on credit checks preceding employment contracts. Failing this a policy should be put in place that commands that if a credit check is conducted that this should not affect whether a person is accepted for an employment position.
The individual should be given the opportunity to improve their credit rating by agreeing to pay their debtors through their employer (e.g. an amount can be deducted from their monthly payslip and forwarded to their debtors - like with student loans). This provides a win win solution.
The company will know their employee is keen to solve past destructive credit patterns and they will gain recognition as beneficial company to work for and one that seeks to improve and develop its employees. The employee will gain employment and the ability to pay off their debtors while also gaining a better credit rating - clearing their name and making them more appealing to future employers
After witnessing a recession that took so many jobs from so many people, this is not the time (especially for the financial sector) to be providing a further barrier to employment by be demanding that credit checks be conducted on people who need work the most.
I/We call upon the EU, UK national authorities and the DWP to ban employers from the public and private sector determining whether to employ an individual based on their credit check.
I/We call upon the EU, UK national authorities and the DWP to develop a policy/law that commands that if credit checks are conducted this should not affect whether a person is accepted for an employment position.
I/We call upon the EU, UK national authorities and the DWP to make sure an individual is given the opportunity to improve their credit rating at time of employment acceptance either independently or through a prospective employer.
I/We believe that employers conducting these searches are discriminating against vulnerable groups in society during a time of economic downturn in which the government should act upon.
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The Stop Employers Performing Credit Checks Prior to Employment petition to The EU, UK National Government, The Department for Work & Pensions was written by Philippa Moore and is in the category Employment at GoPetition.