STOP Hospital Surveillance System on ALL Minnesota Patients

- Target:
- Minnesota Governor Tim Walz
- Region:
- United States of America
- Website:
The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) is taking advantage of the temporary COVID-19 crisis to try to build a permanent, illegal, health surveillance system. In the April 2nd "Notification Letter" to hospitals, MDH orders ALL Minnesota hospitals to send private health data on ALL hospitalized patients to the government—with or without a COVID-19 diagnosis.
“MDH’s goal is to have 100% of Minnesota hospitals sending ADTs [admission, discharge, transfer data] for the total population of patients receiving care in their facilities as soon as possible," writes MDH Commissioner Jan Malcolm,
MDH claims the federal HIPAA rule provides an exemption to the strong patient consent requirements of the Minnesota Health Records Act (MHRA). But the rule is NOT allowed to override stronger state laws, such as the MHRA.
Permanent surveillance is the goal — MDH says it may be used in the future to collect data on “other current and emerging public health threats.”
PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION. Help us stop this illegal attempt to force ALL hospitals to share the private medical data of ALL hospitalized patients with the state government ALL year long!
CITIZEN PETITION: Stop the Minnesota “All Patients” Hospital Surveillance System!
I, a concerned citizen of Minnesota, respectfully petition Governor Tim Walz to protect Minnesota patients from the ongoing, year-round health surveillance system that the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) is attempting to establish illegally by stealth and coercion.
Taking advantage of the COVID-19 crisis, the MDH issued an order to all Minnesota hospitals mandating they electronically submit all admission, discharge and transfer (ADT) data on every patient to the government.
The MDH plan to establish a statewide health surveillance system violates Minnesota Statute 144.293, which requires hospitals to get my consent before sharing my medical records. No government official or state agency should receive my information without my consent.
The COVID-19 crisis must never be used to restrict my freedom, reduce my privacy rights, or take away my personal control over my private data.
THEREFORE, I urge Governor Walz to rescind the MDH "Notification Letter" immediately and to notify every Minnesota hospital that:
1. The "Notification Letter" has been rescinded
2. Hospitals are not required to electronically connect their medical record systems to MDH, and
3. No data may be shared with MDH without patient consent except limited data on patients with a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19.
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The STOP Hospital Surveillance System on ALL Minnesota Patients petition to Minnesota Governor Tim Walz was written by Citizens' Council for Health Freedom and is in the category Civil Rights at GoPetition.