Medical Professionals and Citizens Nationwide Believe Masks Should be Optional within School Districts

- Target:
- Goose Creek Consolidated Independent School District School Board
- Region:
- United States of America
- Website:
The students and staff of many school districts around our nation have been mandated to wear face masks while on school properties for many hours at a time. As a registered nurse for the state of Texas, I am 100% against this mandate due to its risk of harm to healthy individuals. We are in a time today where information is being thrown forcefully towards us and mask-mandates are given without ample scientific evidence that they work nor any knowledge whether they are harming us. Many doctors, nurses, and scientists around the world have provided evidence that wearing masks do NOT decrease the spread of viruses, has caused physical and mental harm, and may amplify the risk of spreading disease. Although our voices may be ignored by our county and state officials, each voice is extremely important to take a stand against unjust actions. I am asking each responsible and honest medical affiliate to please take a stand for the good of our children, each other, and our neighbors by signing this petition.
By the way, I used to work in surgery. I was a Circulator. If we accidentally touched our mask, we had to strip all of our gowns, rescrub our hands, re-gown, and re-glove. Sometimes, we had to even change out the entire surgery table with new covers and new sterilized instruments. How can we expect our children to NOT spread the germs (and viruses) ALL over the place when they are touching their masks all day?
Updates to The Evidence List, , may take a few days to process by GoPetition. New sources added since my share date 11/16/2020, are indicated with a grey highlight:
We, the undersigned, call on School Boards nationwide to allow masks to be optional, without questions to the wearer on all school properties. We understand that there are passionate beliefs on both sides of this issue but solid scientific evidence is not provided nor is there enough public awareness of the potential harms of masks. Furthermore, major media outlets are not openly and accurately reporting the truths about the falsehoods of masks. It is our duty to protect our children and each other. Although our wishes are for NO masks to be worn due to the negative health risks, we believe making them "optional" would be the first step in the right direction as the public becomes aware of the real science and all mask-mandates are finally lifted.
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The Medical Professionals and Citizens Nationwide Believe Masks Should be Optional within School Districts petition to Goose Creek Consolidated Independent School District School Board was written by Kerry Rickard and is in the category Health at GoPetition.