- Target:
- Seal Hunting Industry
- Region:
- Canada
- Website:
- www.facebook.com
We are not against the Traditional Inuit Seal Hunt... we are AGAINST the White Commercial Seal Hunt that only hunts for greed.
Inuit seal hunting accounts for about 3% of the total seal hunt. The rest is Commercial Hunting.
The Commercial Seal Hunters use the Inuit as a shield to continue doing what they are doing. It is a strategy to use the noble Inuit people as human shields.
The Commercial Sealers say that the seals eat all the codfish, so that is why they "need" to cull them. IN REALITY...the Seals diet consists only 3% of cod.
Each year, baby seals are killed for their fur. Since, for every bullet hole, 2 dollars are taken off, most people prefer not to shoot them. Instead, they use clubs with metal hooks on the end to hit the seals with.
In fact, in 2001, an independent team of veterinarians studied the hunt and saw that the normal regulations and basic animal welfare rights weren’t being followed. Some of the seals had even been skinned while they were still alive.
Even when the hunting goes above the limit, the government doesn’t do anything to stop it. And if you’re wondering, stopping the seal hunt wouldn’t hurt Canada’s economy since it’s an off-season activity. Yet the government still provides thousands of dollars for the development of seal products. A lot of taxpayer money can go into this, too.
Hundreds of thousands of seals are killed each year. In the 2006 hunt, the government allowed a lot more than 350 000 seals to be clubbed and shot. The last time seals were killed like this, the harp seal population went down by almost two thirds. The actual number of seals killed is probably higher than this since many seals are wounded and left to fall into the water, where they die and are never recovered.
Nearly one million seals have been killed in the past the three years alone, and there’s more to come.
Armed with clubs and hakapiks, sealers bludgeon, hack then skin pups while they are still conscious and able to feel pain, leaving them to die on the ice in pools of their own blood.
If you are not a Canadian but you want to sign a petition to save the seals and to stop the Commercial Seal Hunt... go to this page...
I, the undersigned, want to ask the Canadian government to permanently stop the inhumane killing of seals. If you feel that such cruelty should be stopped, then sign this petition and help make a difference.
We, the undersigned, call on the Canadian Government to put a stop to such brutal murder and blatant ignorance of basic animal rights; the right to life.
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The STOP the Commercial Seal Hunt! petition to Seal Hunting Industry was written by Melissa and is in the category Animal Rights at GoPetition.