#City & Town Planning
Oceanside City Council, Oceanside CA
United States of America

Once again, dog proponents from around North County are proposing to the Oceanside City Council a Dog Beach be created at this mouth of the San Luis Rey River. This attempt has been defeated several times in the past, and for good reason:

1. Approximately half a mile of shoreline at the mouth of the San Luis Rey River is listed as “impaired” for bacteria by the Federal Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 303(d). Under the federal requirements set forth by the Clean Water Act, water quality at this section of the Pacific Ocean must improve to protect beach-goers who use the shoreline for recreational contact. Bacteria in ocean waters can cause various levels of illness in humans. Sources of bacteria include fecal contamination by humans, pets, and also some that are naturally occurring in the environment such as birds and wildlife animals.

The City of Oceanside has been awarded a grant to assess the sources of bacteria in the San Luis Rey River and at the river mouth as the first step in improving water quality. Once the sources are assessed, the City will then create and implement a plan to reduce and/or eliminate the bacterial sources that are not considered natural.

The grant that was awarded to the City to study the bacterial sources was funded by the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB). A final report for the source investigation is scheduled to be available in February 2010. However, due to the budget constraints facing California, this project has been put on an in-definite hold. In addition, it is anticipated that during 2009 the California EPA-San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board (SD-RWQCB) will approve new regulations for bacteria throughout the county that will require all beaches and creeks to be in compliance with set standards within a 10 or 20 year time frame. This means that the City will be working throughout the next 10 to 20 years on bacterial issues in the areas that the SD-RWQCB has designated as impaired. The details of these requirements are still being reviewed by the SD-RWQCB.

Adding the potential hundreds of dogs visiting this small restricted area further contaminates the River and prevents the City from living up to its Grant obligations.

2. The threat to children by unattended and unleashed animals creates an unacceptable risk to our family friendly beach.

3. Flooding, after a heavy rain storm in our remote mountains, the floods sometimes reach levels of 4 feet deep and sweep even roads and bridges aside as they arrive at the Mouth of the River.

4. Potential for bacterial contamination from canine urine and fecal matter seeping into the sand and water, leading to increased risk of pollution and disease affecting humans and wildlife.

5. Animals contaminated via ingestion by mouth in dogs drinking the water from the San Luis Rey River at low tide.

6. Increased traffic congestion at the beach and Oceanside Harbor. Parking and traffic are already a nightmare during peak spring and summer seasons at the beach.

7. The new Pacific Street Bridge was supposed to be eco-friendly with regard to different types of birds that nest in the area. Multiple dogs in the area have the potential to scare away or molest protected species.
Thus disturbing the nesting areas and affecting the birth cycles.

By signing this petition, you ask the Oceanside City Council to say NO to the proposal to create a Dog Beach in the City of Oceanside, California.

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The Stop The Dog Beach petition to Oceanside City Council, Oceanside CA was written by Chuck Johnson and is in the category City & Town Planning at GoPetition.