Capital Regional District/Saanich Peninsula Waste Commission

On May 25th 2011, the CRD will decide the future of our local environment and food safety and security on the South Island. Let them know that safe food and farming practices and our natural environment matter to you by signing this petition against the application of sewage-based biosolids in the CRD!

A Brief History:

In response to concerns over potential negative impacts on the environment and public health, in November 2009 the CRD Core Area Liquid Waste Committee passed a motion banning the land application of biosolids as part of its sewage treatment strategy. This ban is supported by the Dogwood Initiative, Sierra Club BC and the Island Organic Producers Association and the Island Chefs' Collaborative.

The production of Class A biosolids concentrates heavy metals, Policyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, and pharmaceutical hormones found in human waste, and research suggests that exposure to even small amounts of many of these chemicals can be harmful to both humans and animals.

However, on April 21st, 2011 the Saanich Peninsula Waste Commission passed a motion to start a pilot-project that would see huge amounts of Class A biosolids applied to Saanich farmland producing hay and feed for animals.

Research shows that when applied to land biosolids can spread through airborne dispersal and human and animal contact, and get into our waterways through run off from precipitation (for more information and research on the dangers of land application of biosolids, please check out "Biosolid Free BC" on Facebook).

On Weds May 25th, 2011 the CRD will consider overturning the current ban on the land application of biosolids. In response, CRD Director Philippe Lucas has put forward 2 motions to stop this practice: 1) to ban the production, storage and distribution of biosolid-based fertilizers at CRD facilities and parks, and 2) to completely ban the application of biosolids on agricultural lands in the CRD.

Please tell CRD Directors that that our natural environment, safe food and farming practices matter to you by signing this petition against the application of sewage-based biosolids in the CRD!

If you’d like to do more, please email CRD Directors your concerns at: denise.blackwell@shaw.ca; council@saanich.ca; jbrownof@telus.net; mayor@oakbay.ca; lcross@sidney.ca; vicderman@shaw.ca; barb.desjardins@esquimalt.ca; bsprinkling@sooke.ca’ ; afinall@northsaanich.ca; mayor@victoria.ca; directorsgi@crd.bc.ca; ghendren@telus.net; directorssi@crd.bc.ca; directorjdf@crd.bc.ca; ghill@viewroyal.ca; mayor@saanich.ca; plucas@victoria.ca; jack.mar@csaanich.ca; jmendum@telus.net; jranns@metchosin.ca; mayor@colwood.ca; cthornton-joe@victoria.ca; wergeland@shaw.ca; gyoung@victoria.ca

Additionally, you can join the Island Chefs’ Collaborative and others speaking against the ban on land application of biosolids at the May 25th CRD meeting (10:30am) by filling out an online form at http://www.crd.bc.ca/_contact/?l=addressboard at least two days before the meeting.

Thanks for supporting local farmers, food safety and our natural environment!

We, the undersigned, hereby express our support of the current CRD CALWC ban on the land application of biosolids, and strongly oppose plans by the Saanich Peninsula Waste Commission to conduct a pilot-project of large-scale biosolid application to regional farmland.

Please keep Unsafe Human Waste Off BC's Lands, Waterways and Dinner Plates!

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The Stop the Land Application of Biosolids in the CRD! petition to Capital Regional District/Saanich Peninsula Waste Commission was written by Philippe Lucas and is in the category Environment at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

sludge biosolids