- Target:
- Politicians and News Media
- Region:
- United States of America
- Website:
- www.unpoliticalparty.net
You Have the Power to Stop the ObamaCare Artificial Contraception Mandate
Catholic Birth Control: 99% Efficacy Rate, Better Sex, Greater Intimacy & Unconditional Love
The Obama Administration announced that as part of ObamaCare it would mandate that Catholic and all other religious institutions will be forced to provide artificial contraception and abortion pills in their insurance plans even though this is a violation of Church teaching. Scores of Catholic institutions and over a dozen states are suing the Obama Administration for violating the 1st Amendment religious freedoms guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution.
Did you know that the Birth Control Pill and all other artificial chemical hormone products are classified as Class I Carcinogens (cancer causing agents) by the World Health Organization and the U.S. Federal Government?
Did you know that the artificial chemical hormones that the ObamaCare Artificial Contraception Mandate will provide to all girls and women for FREE cause various cancers, heart attacks, strokes, blood clots, weight gain, mood swings along with other physical complications and dangers for women?
Did you know that since “The Pill” was introduced to America in 1960 that breast cancer rates skyrocketed from 1 in 20 women to the current 1 in 8 and now 250,000 women are stricken with breast cancer every year in the U.S.A and around 40,000 die? DETAILS
Did you know that the ObamaCare artificial contraception mandate is intended to give all girls carcinogenic chemical hormones from the age of puberty until menopause?
Do you think having Class I Carcinogens in the bodies of all American women for the typical 40 years of fertility is good for the health of our magnificent American women?
Do you think filling your wife, mother, daughter or sister with Class I Carcinogens during their typical 40 years of fertility is good for their health or does it pose unacceptable health risks to your loved ones that you will not allow?
Did you know that virtually no one uses artificial contraception correctly 100% of the time and every instance of misuse causes severe risks of Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) transmission and also drastically increases unplanned pregnancy rates?
Did you know that over 50% of abortions are a result of this well-known misuse of artificial contraception?
Did you know that an ex-director of the largest abortion provider in America admitted that this organization knows that artificial contraception is a complete failure as clearly shown by the statistics above and their objective is to influence politicians to force government schools to teach “Safe Sex” lies to our children with the goal of executing 3-5 abortions on our young girls from the ages of 13-18 when virtually all sexually promiscuous children misuse artificial contraception?
Did you know that the artificial contraception “Safe Sex” lie still results in 1 Million abortions in America each year and many women undergo multiple abortions as per the plan stated above when artificial contraception fails?
Did you know that condoms do not protect against the incurable skin-to-skin contact STDs of HPV and HSV resulting in a projected 80% infection rate of HPV amongst women and up to a 50% infection rate of HSV for all sexually promiscuous individuals?
Did you know that there are 19 Million new STD cases in America every year and the cumulative effect over the past 6 decades has devastated our society with mass STD infections of all kinds?
Did you know that the MAJORITY of our children practice “ABSTINENCE ONLY” while in grade through high school and DO NOT experience unplanned pregnancies or the devastation of STDs during these vital developmental years?
Did you know that the artificial contraception “Safe Sex” lie and the accompanying “use and be used for casual sex, but take the pill and use a condom” propaganda facilitated the skyrocketing fatherless home rate in America from 6% in 1960 to 43% today with a shocking 70+% fatherless home rate in our black communities?
Did you know that the Obama Administration is attempting to force artificial contraception on the Catholic Church in DIRECT VIOLATION of the religious freedoms GUARANTEED by 1st Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and dozens of Catholic organizations and over a dozen states are suing the Obama Administration for violating the Constitution?
Did you know that women are only fertile on average 10 days per month so the ObamaCare artificial contraception mandate will cause millions of women to unsuspectingly take Class I Carcinogens from puberty to menopause when they are already infertile 20 day of every month?
Did you know that the Catholic Church’s prescribed birth control method keeps women free from Class I Carcinogenic chemicals and the resulting health dangers?
Did you know that the Catholic Church’s prescribed birth control method has up to a 99% efficacy rate of preventing pregnancy and this is a better effective rate than many artificial contraception methods mandated by ObamaCare?
Did you know that couples that practice the Catholic Church’s prescribed birth control method report better sex, greater intimacy and unconditional love for each other?
Did you know that couples from all religions, Atheists and agnostics practice the Catholic Church’s prescribed birth control method because it is scientifically proven to be superior over artificial contraception methods physically, biochemically, psychologically, medically and for people of faith spiritually plus it has the vital benefit of keeping women free from carcinogenic chemicals during the entirety of their reproductive years?
Did you know that the men that practice the Catholic Church’s prescribed birth control method know about and respect their wives’ bodies more than the average woman that practices artificial contraception knows about her own body?
Did you know that this concern for the health and wellbeing of their wife’s body creates the trust, unconditional love and respect that all men and women need emotionally and psychologically to maintain healthy and strong marital relationships?
Did you know that the divorce rate doubled from 25% to 50% after the pill was introduced to America in 1960?
Did you know married couples, including Catholic couples that practice artificial contraception experience this 50% divorce rate with many experiencing multiple divorces, but couples that practice the Catholic Church’s prescribed birth control method have a 0.2% divorce rate?
Did you know that virtually no American citizen including our politicians knows the full details of the ObamaCare artificial contraception mandate and that there is a new and captivating website developed to provide the complete details to everyone?
Now that you know the scientific truths revealed herein will you HELP to STOP the ObamaCare artificial contraception mandate?
Thank you for taking your valuable time to discover the information we have provided for you. Please sign our petition now.
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The Stop the ObamaCare Artificial Contraception Mandate petition to Politicians and News Media was written by Un-Political Party and is in the category Politics at GoPetition.