- Target:
- Senator Russ Feingold, Senator Sheila Harsdorf, Congressman Dave Obey, Representative Ann Hraychuck
- Region:
- United States of America
- Website:
- www.friendsofiversmountain.org
In June of 2008 Mathy Corporation swooped in and purchased approximately 378 acres of pristine wilderness and farmland, and began plans for a large-scale mining operation. Since this time our community has been in a battle to save Iver's Mountain from the plague of non-metallic mining that seems to be sweeping across the state of Wisconsin.
Located in Laketown Township in Polk County, Wisconsin, Iver's Mountain is known for its scenic beauty, and geologic and ecological significance. This site sits at the confluence of the Superior Lobe and the Grantsburg Sub-Lobe of the glaciers that retreated from Wisconsin. Glacial Striations and grooves can be observed on Iver's Mountain. The ridge is marked with Precambrian basalt knobs that have been in place for more than a billion years.
Iver's Mountain area gives protection and habitat to a wide variety of animals and plants. The mountain is a bedrock glade that provides the environment necessary for the survival of species like the threatened Brittle Prickly Pear Cactus. It is also habitat for the Northern Prairie Skink, a species listed as rare in Wisconsin. In Addition, the mountain's habitat has been a sanctuary for threatened species such as the Karner Blue Butterfly, the Trumpeter Swan, Osprey, bullfrog and the Blanding's Turtle. The eagles and Osprey have thrived in this area, nesting on the mountain and by the surrounding bodies of water.
In the shadows of the mountain are the Trade River, Forsythe Lake and the wetlands that surround them. Springs flow down the sides of the mountain to nourish the wetlands that protect the Trade River and Forsythe Lake. If the mining were to take place these springs would be eliminated. The Trade River, a cold water community, runs through the property and along the south side of the mountain. The Trade River is part of the threatened Lower St Croix River Watershed.
This operation will include high-powered wells and blasting that will deplete and contaminate the ground water. We are concerned about how this will effect our wells and the surrounding bodies of water.
If the proposed mining takes place it will leave two giant holes in the landscape, approximately 2000 feet long, 800 feet wide, and 100 feet deep. Along with being an ugly blight on the landscape it will destroy the natural habitat for many species of animal and plant life.
Basalt is commonly known as Trap Rock and is not a scarce resource in the area of Polk County as Mathy Corporation would like to lead you to believe, in fact Dresser Trap Rock Company, which has been a part of the Polk County community for many years and is located about 20 miles from Iver's Mountain has said to have 400 - 1000 years left of basalt.
The Natural beauty of the state of Wisconsin is under increasing threat of destruction due to Non-Metallic mining. It is time for citizens to say no to further environmental destruction. If the destruction of Iver's Mountain is allowed to happen a piece of our nations natural history will be lost forever. A mountain can not be reclaimed.
We, the undersigned are opposed to the destruction of Iver's Mountain.
Iver's Mountain is a place of great significance to the Laketown Community as a local landmark. However, it has greater significance to Wisconsin and greater yet to our nation as a key piece of the Wisconsin Portion of the National Scenic Ice Age Trail.
If the mining were to take place there would be no going back, this portion of the Ice Age Trail would be gone forever. The destruction of Iver's Mountain would also have a great impact on the Trade River, Forsythe Lake and the wetlands. If the mining were to begin it would bring the end to six springs that feed into the wetlands that protect the Trade River and Forsythe Lake, leaving them open for greater contamination. With this area being part of the threatened Lower St Croix watershed, it too would share in the contamination.
We are asking for your help to prevent the mining of Iver's Mountain, so that this piece of natural history will be spared from the destruction on Non-metallic mining and instead be protected land in the form of a park or nature preserve, so that it may be enjoyed by present and future generations.
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The Stop The Proposed Mining of Iver's Mountain petition to Senator Russ Feingold, Senator Sheila Harsdorf, Congressman Dave Obey, Representative Ann Hraychuck was written by Holly Bergstrom and is in the category Environment at GoPetition.