Stop the selling, renting, and distribution of all pornographic material

- Target:
- United States of America
- Region:
- Website:
My goal is to submit enough petitions and information to totally obliterate the selling, renting, and distribution of all obscene material including pornographic material throughout the United States and the entire world.
The elimination of such obscene material will go a long ways in combating the evils of child pornography, child predators, child paedophiles, and human sexual trafficking throughout the entire world.
We, the undersigned as responsible citizens of the world populace and the advancement of human kind for decency, morality, and the preservation of our human sexuality as biblically portrayed before the "eyes" of our Creator do willingly sign this legal petition to eliminate all indecent sexual material from the face of the Earth.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Stop the selling, renting, and distribution of all pornographic material petition to United States of America was written by PAUL J. WILLIAMS and is in the category Internet at GoPetition.