- Target:
- Northern Ireland Health Secretary Michael McGimpsey
- Region:
- United Kingdom
- Website:
- http:///www.billycaldwellfoundation.com
Little Billy Caldwell was born on the 26th July 2005 and at only 4 months of age little Billy awoke from his sleep stared wide-eyed for thirty second and then seemed to doze off. He repeated this two more times that night at thirty minute intervals.
Billy was eventually taken to the Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children for further care under a specialist Neurological Paediatrician. Billy remained in the RBHSC for the next fourteen weeks as Charlotte watched as the doctor experienced the full range of seizures Billy was now taken. Eventually Charlotte was told their was no more they could do for her son and prescribed to Charlotte that sh would be shown how to administrate Morphine to Billy To Make his last few months on Mother Earth a little bit comfortable.
But Charlotte Caldwell Did not want her son to die so she researched and found a hospital in Chicago and today thanks to Charlotte Caldwell her son is alive but he needs special treatment which the Northern Ireland Government is now Refusing to give Billy.
Little Billy Caldwell is a child that needs special treatment to keep him alive and after being told by Northern Ireland Health Minister Michael McGimpsey he would support little Billy and make sure he gets his treatment he has gone back on his word.
Today I ask you to sign our petition to ask Northern Ireland Health Minister Michael McGimpsey to Support Billy Caldwell and give this child his right to live and the treatment he needs.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Support Billy Caldwell's Right To Life petition to Northern Ireland Health Secretary Michael McGimpsey was written by Sandy Smith and is in the category Children's Rights at GoPetition.