Support for construct of trafic diversion island on the 1300 blk of S. Washington Street

- Target:
- Robert Dorroh
- Region:
- United States of America
The completed T-Rex and Light-rail project including a new light rail hub on Louisiana and south Washington street will have immediate impact on auto and pedestrian traffic directly impacting the saftey and quality of life of the residents of the 1300 blk od south Washing street. A perposial has beeb put forth by Robert Dorroh from CDOT to construct a traffic diversion island in the South intersection of S. Washington Street and Louisian to discourage neighboorhood access via South Washington Street. If this diversion were constructed, the only way to access the 1300 blk of S. Washington immediatly South of Louisiana would be from Arkansan on the South or a right turn from eastbound Louisiana. Traffic exiting Washington onto Louisiana would only be able to turn right and proceed eastbound.
We the residents living in the residental properities located onthe 1300 blk. of S. Washington Street strongly support the proposal submited to our neighboorhood by Robert Dorroh on December 30, 2002, to construct a traffic diversion island in the South intersection of South Washington Street and Louisiana Ave. We believe this diversion will make our neighborhood a much safer place for our famlies to live.
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The Support for construct of trafic diversion island on the 1300 blk of S. Washington Street petition to Robert Dorroh was written by IDS and is in the category Roads & Transport at GoPetition.