- Target:
- Western Australian Parliament
- Region:
- Australia
- Website:
- haloleadership.com
In terms of breaking the cycle of offending Perth Children's Court President believes Halo is 'setting the way,' with other Magistrates describing the support plans as ‘the best support plans they have ever seen,’ Julie Nimmo from Foxtel’s NITV asserted during her filming of the organisation that “Halo is Saving lives and that in all my years of journalism I have seen anything else like it.”
So with an almost 100 % success rate why would the City of Cockburn tender against the community and rob them of their quest for sustainability?
It all comes back to control and greed!
After referring teenagers to the program for two years the Council went against the wishes of families and the community and tendered anyway. This violates not only the rights of young people in general but also the rights of Aboriginal people to self determination. In terms of reconciliation this is a terrible step backwards.
The organisation driven and owned by the community feels used, cheated and abused!
If you believe in Halo’s work and the rights of young people and Aboriginal families to self determination please support this petition.
We, the undersigned, call on the State government of WA, The Department of Corrective Services and the City of Cockburn to support this important program.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Support Halo to continue saving lives! petition to Western Australian Parliament was written by Halo leadership and is in the category Justice at GoPetition.