- Target:
- Aspen Mental Health Services
- Region:
- Canada
It is quite apparent that the community of Barrhead, which has it's mental health services provided by Aspen Mentla Health Services, needs help. There are next to no resources available to the mentally ill residences of Barrhead. These residences are in desperate need of more resources. It's time for someone to step up and take action.
It's also apparent that the world tends to ignore mental illness as they figure that way they will go away. Well here's a shocker guys it isn't going to go away. By you ignoring it it's only going to get worse.
I beg someone to take action regadring this matter and bring more Mental Health resources to Barrhead.
We, the undersigned, support Mental Health Resources being brought to Barrhead, Alberta.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Support Mental Health Resources being brought to Barrhead, Alberta petition to Aspen Mental Health Services was written by Gennie Williams and is in the category Health at GoPetition.