- Target:
- People of Pakistan, overseas Pakistanis, U.N., Government Departments, Think Tanks
- Region:
People are encouraged to read through and sign as this is NOT a petition in favor of outright military rule, but one that supports the measures taken by Musharraf to eradicate corruption and place Pakistan on the right path to democracy. As Pakistanis, we must appreciate a man who has confronted corruption and created a system under which the voice of the people can be heard.
Pervez Musharraf has been the centre of a lot of criticism lately, and this petition is an attempt to show support for his vision and rule in Pakistan. We understand some actions by the current government in Pakistan are drastic and some may argue against them, but it is up to us to realize the ground realities and act responsibly in deciding who to support. Opposition parties are exploiting the mass public by using democracy as an excuse to regain power and destabilize a government that has achieved a lot in the last eight years. Religion is also being used by some in the media to incite the public, which has gone about its daily routine with no interest to come out on the streets. Objectivity amongst reporters on international broadcasts of Pakistani news is rare. This is an attempt to show that there is a large movement that supports the President. Outlined below are highlights of Musharraf’s achievements, there is a section on reasons for imposition of emergency rule as well.
Nawaz Sharif’s incompetent government and Benazir’s corruption (wife of Mr. Zardari who is popularly known in Pakistan as 'Mr. 10%') left Pakistan in a dismal state. Thus prior to Musharraf’s debut on the stage of Pakistani politics in 1999,
* The country was almost bankrupt;
* Pakistan was on the verge of being declared a “failed” and “terrorist” nation;
* It was listed as being the second most corrupt nation in the world (the first being Nigeria)
* During the time of Benazir and Sharif, the KSE 100 index was less than 1300. Now it is over 12000.
* Atrocities such as judicial killings of opponents took place shamelessly throughout Pakistan, particularly in Karachi, for which Benazir and Sharif were both primarily responsible.
Under Musharraf’s regime since 1999, Pakistan has experienced tremendous growth and seen record improvement in its overall condition.
* From being #2 on the list of corrupt nations, Pakistan is now #138 – a remarkable improvement.
* Compared to being nearly bankrupt less than a decade ago, Pakistan now has reserves of close to $16 billion, and is still growing.
* Corruption has been virtually eliminated from the upper levels and significantly reduced in the lower levels.
* Musharraf actively confronted terrorism in Pakistan and employed several schemes to eradicate it from our country.
* Large-scale development is taking place all over Pakistan, with a significant amount of construction going on in Karachi and areas of Baluchistan. Previously, these areas were largely neglected, with Baluchistan left to the mercy of warlords for much of the history of Pakistan.
* Tax recovery is at an all time high.
* Pakistan’s media has flourished with Musharraf’s permittance and encouragement.
* Devolution of power- Musharraf brought the Nazim System and gave powers to the local representatives at the lowest level.
* Women's representation used to be 3.2%. Musharraf made a landmark decision and appointed 33% seats to be reserved for women in all three tiers of the local government and 17% in the national and provincial legislatures. (This also resulted in Pakistan being recognized as the country with the greatest progress in women’s representation within parliament in a comparison study of South Asian politics.)
* President Musharraf was awarded the White Ribbon Man of the Year Award 2006, in recognition of the tremendous support to the cause of women’s rights in Pakistan.
* Pakistan’s relations with India have also significantly improved. Previously, India refused to acknowledge the territory of Kashmir as a 'dispute'. As a result of Musharraf's diplomacy, Kashmir is today acknowledged as a disputed territory and both sides are working towards a peaceful resolution of the conflict.
These are remarkable achievements in an 8 year timeframe. This is not to say that things are perfect; much work still needs to be done. But, Pakistan, under Musharraf, has been heading towards the right direction and this momentum should continue. He has addressed the root cause of problems in the country thus building a foundation for democracy to prosper. The measures taken under this regime are an attempt to reform Pakistani society with a high emphasis on education. One cannot educate a nation overnight; it takes time and honest commitment. We cannot let corrupt politicians ruin 8 years of hard work.
The emergency is unfortunate, as Musharraf acknowledged in his address to the nation. However, it becomes understandable and perhaps necessary given the circumstances it was imposed under:
* The judiciary was openly challenging the writ of the government on every front, playing the role of a legislative arm. The parliament is the legislative arm – not the Judiciary.
* Extremism was growing by the day. Consider the Lal-Masjid saga and the recent conflict in Sawat, where Taliban and other extremist terrorists attacked the army, beheaded a number of soldiers, and replaced the Pakistani flag with their own.
* Individuals who were caught red-handed from the lal-masjid were immediately released by the CJ (Chief Justice) without looking at the submitted proof and evidence against them.
* Despite allowing Musharraf to take part in the Presidential elections, which he subsequently won, a petition against Musharraf's candidacy was still accepted and decision upon it delayed unnecessarily.
*The freedom granted to the media was being highly misused. Turn on any channel and you will find endless propaganda against Musharraf and the government. They are as “fair” and “balanced” as Fox news, openly calling the public to come out on the streets and spreading disinformation.
For these reasons, Pakistan was put in a state of emergency.
Please sign this petition to express your support for Pakistan and Musharraf. Let us not forget the past. The opposition parties are proven corrupt and have had their say over years of rule. Shariff and Bhutto have both proven disastrous for Pakistan over two terms of rule.
People of Pakistan, act responsibly, act in the interest of Pakistan. The only reason the supporters of this petition support Musharraf is because his agenda is the betterment of Pakistan. The facts are before you, research, ask questions, keeping the NATIONAL INTEREST OF PAKISTAN your top priority.
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The Support Musharraf: Emergency was required petition to People of Pakistan, overseas Pakistanis, U.N., Government Departments, Think Tanks was written by barirah,usman , Irfan S and Amir I and is in the category Government at GoPetition.