- Target:
- Manhattan College Community
- Region:
- United States of America
Recent words and actions of some public figures and organizations have engendered anti-Muslim sentiment.
We, the undersigned members of the Manhattan College community, condemn Islamophobia, Arabophobia, and all forms of bigotry, racism and intolerance. We condemn the actions and words of public figures and any and all organizations who have attempted to exploit recent acts of violence to incite anti-Muslim and anti-Arab feeling in our country.
In keeping with the hallmarks of our Lasallian heritage, we respond to these deplorable outbursts by reaffirming that Manhattan College is an inclusive community. We welcome and cherish people from all ethnic groups, all faith traditions, and people of no faith. We reiterate the words of Circular 461 of the De La Salle Christian Brothers:
"The anthropological view of human nature that motivates Lasallians recognizes and dignifies every human being as being unique, unrepeatable, and educable. Discrimination based on gender, culture, religion, sexual orientation or political affiliation has no place in the Lasallian educational Mission." (3.3, Circular 461 September 2010)
"Let it be stated clearly and unambiguously that calling oneself Lasallian is not relegated only to those of the Christian faith. Many faith-filled people professing other creeds participate daily in the Lasallian educational Mission. They are a valued part of this community." (3.13, Circular 461, September 2010)
We are grateful for the opportunity to learn from, and be enriched by, the many Muslim students and scholars who are cherished members of our community. We stand together as Lasallians to oppose hate speech and to encourage respect and dignity.
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The Support our Statement on an Inclusive Community petition to Manhattan College Community was written by Manhattan College Community and is in the category Education at GoPetition.