- Target:
- Congressman Bob Goodlatte
- Region:
- United States of America
- Website:
- my.barackobama.com
Congressman Bob Goodlatte of the 6th District of Virginia, released a mailer from his congressional office addressing his constituents. This piece of literature was not only a piece of Campaign literature that came from his Congressional Office--in direct violation of FEC and governmental regulations--made a misleading and ultimately false statement.
He claimed the following:
“Recently, the Congress passed, with my support, important legislation that expands the education benefits for our returning service members.”
Unfortunately, Mr. Goodlatte did not support the the passing of the GI Bill, evident by visiting this site (http://clerk.house.gov/evs/2008/roll330.xml), instead he voted for the funding, once the Bill had already passed in order to save face.
When confronted and asked why he voted against the Bill he claimed,
"While I...support expanding the current G.I. Bill, attaching tax increases on small business owners, many of whom are veterans themselves or create jobs for veterans is the wrong way to go."
However, what Mr. Goodlatte failed to say was that the tax increase on "small-businesses" were businesses that make more than $500,000 a year, hardly small businesses at all. Mr. Goodlatte seems to hold large, profiting businesses, to a higher presedence than the brave veterans of this great country.
He is now seeking re-election, and explicitly misleading the Veterans of Southwest Virginia. Do not allow him to continue using tax payer dollars to lie to his constituents.
We, the undersigned, call on all Veterans and citizens of the 6th District of Virginia to reject Congressman Bob Goodlatte's false statements. And call on Goodlatte to acknowledge his misleading claims regarding his support for our veterans.
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The Congressman Bob Goodlatte Does Not Support Our Veterans petition to Congressman Bob Goodlatte was written by Terron Sims and is in the category Local Government at GoPetition.