Public River Users
United States of America

Ship Creek Canyon is one of Alaska's best whitewater creeks and with its close proximity to Anchorage the most accessible in the state.

The creek is located on Fort Richardson's light-tactical training area, an area open to permitted recreation, except for water-craft recreation.

An unused dam at the exit to the canyon is the primary reason for access not being allowed and we are hoping to work with the US Government to have a portage trail built so that kayakers can safely and responsibly paddle this great section of whitewater.

We, the undersigned, respectfully request that you allow permitted, seasonal access for whitewater kayaking on Ship Creek through its canyon above the bridge on Fort Richardson.

This section of Ship Creek is a world-class kayaking run that is unique to this area and it simply cannot be compared to other stretches of Ship Creek or to any other river system in the Greater Anchorage Area.

Whitewater kayaking fits well with other self-powered, low impact recreational activities currently allowed in the boundaries of Fort Richardson and we look forward to working constructively with members of the US Government regarding access to Ship Creek Canyon for whitewater kayakers.

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The Support Ship Creek Recreation Access petition to Public River Users was written by Life More Natural and is in the category Environment at GoPetition.