- Target:
- Political Leaders of the Free World
- Region:
Please read Amnesty International Background information: http://www.amnestyusa.org/all-countries/iran/background-information-on-the-election-in-iran/page.do?id=1641044
Aim of the Petition:
Asking political leaders of the free world, such as India, Japan, South Korea, South Africa, Brazil, Argentina, and Chile, to assert their concerns on the election results, condemn the extreme measures of violence by security forces in Iran, and call for a NEW election but under international supervision.
If you do NOT wish to sign this petition, you can write and send your own letter/email to these authorities, but please use a soft and diplomatic tone and avoid allegations and claims that are provocative, especially using keywords like coup would make people feel you have an agenda in mind.
Please note that your signature and other information are protected and would not be shared with anyone except in the letters that are being sent to the political leaders of aimed countries.
Dear Mr. President/Prime Minister,
I am writing this letter to express my deep concerns on the post-election situation in Iran, and sincerely ask you, as a democratically elected leader of your country, to share and support the demands of Iranian people for a fair election.
I earnestly and gratefully urge you to assert your concerns on the suspicious election results, condemn the extreme measures of violence that Iranian security forces and Basij (militia forces) are using against the non-violent protesters, and finally ask you to call for a NEW election but under international supervision.
Thank you for graciously giving your time and consideration in advance.
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The Support the Demands of Iranian People for a Fair Election petition to Political Leaders of the Free World was written by Mehdi and is in the category International Affairs at GoPetition.