Support the ILO Convention on Domestic Work

- Target:
- Region:
- Greece
- Website:
It was on May Day 124 years ago that 300,000 workers first took to the streets demanding an 8-hour work day. In 1919, when the ILO held its first Session, the principle of an 8-hr day was enshrined as international law in the ILO Convention No. 1.
However, more than a century later, some sectors of workers, including domestic workers are denied basic labour rights (contract, just wages, decent work conditions, reproductive and family rights).
Among workers in the private household, migrant domestic workers are particularly vulnerable. They are frequently denied an immigration status which renders them undocumented and therefore open to widespread violation of their rights.
KASAPI –HELLAS (a member organization of RESPECT Network) is among the organisations jointly launching this campaign in support of an ILO Convention on Domestic Work.
Sign this petition to ask for the adoption of the ILO Convention on Domestic Work and ensure a strong rights based Convention.
Signatures will be forwarded to the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Geneva.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Support the ILO Convention on Domestic Work petition to ILO was written by Kasapi - unity of Filipino migrant workers and is in the category Unions at GoPetition.