- Target:
- CBS Worldwide Inc.
- Region:
- United States of America
- Website:
- www.cbs.com
By allowing "outcasts" back on Survivor CBS and creator Mark Burnett perverted what the game was all about. On 11-20-03 Rupert Boneham, a contestant who personified what being a Survivor was all about was voted off. 2 of the votes that put him over the top were from these outcasts. The injustice was blatant
Dear CBS,
Please do not renew "Survivor" for another season. If you do elect to renew it, please come clean to public and let it be known this show is not a true competition. Admit it is just "mock" competition for entertainment with pre-determined outcomes.
Allowing contestants to get back into the competition after being voted off perverts what "Survivor" is purported to be, a competition in which the contestants "outwit" and "outlast" their opponents. These "outcasts" did neither and their re-admittance to the competition makes this premise fraudulent.
We feel CBS should not continue to foist this deception on its' viewers by not renewing "Survivor", or at the very least, coming clean to the public and admiting the show is a fraud in the form in which it has been represented to the public at large.
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The Take "Survivor" off the air or Admit it is a Fraud petition to CBS Worldwide Inc. was written by Andrew Wilson and is in the category Consumer Affairs at GoPetition.