#Arts & Entertainment
Rotten Tomatoes
United States of America

People are being unfathomably dumb about the new Star Wars movie. Even going so far as to start a petition demanding it be removed from Star Wars canon, like that's something to do.

I'm hoping to get popular review aggregate, Rotten Tomatoes, to reach out to these cretins and tell them to chill the fuck out. Maybe remind them that they have families, friends, and jobs they should probably focus on.

I'll be honest, Star Wars is about as close as I'll ever get to having a religious experience. I'm not even sure I liked The Last Jedi all that much. Still, it's not like anyone set out to make a bad movie. Furthermore, it's important that these idiots realize that no one owes them shit.

I think some people need to step back and realize that a billion people could look at a painting and see it a billion different ways. If someone has such a singular vision about how Star Wars should go, they should have gone to film school and gotten a job in the industry.

We, the undersigned, politely request that Rotten Tomatoes release a statement telling these overly jilted and entitled Star Wars fans to chill the fuck out. To maybe go on a date, visit a museum, listen to an old R&B album, travel abroad, or create something of their own for the world to enjoy. Mostly importantly, though, chill the fuck out.

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The Tell People to Chill Out About The Last Jedi petition to Rotten Tomatoes was written by Patrick Bauer and is in the category Arts & Entertainment at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

star wars chill The Last Jedi