- Target:
- Anyone who shops in supermarkets
- Region:
- United Kingdom
In recent months, presumably in response to rising costs and an effort to reduce plastic waste, Tesco has significantly reduced the thickness of their (free) carrier bags. How significantly, well enough to mean that when filled, they frequently split and dump the contents onto the ground. Not good when it's delicate, perishable foodstuffs.
As a consequence, many customers "double bag" their shopping, or use more bags with fewer items. Either immediately negate any savings or environmental benefits.
This petition is to raise pressure on Tesco to return to more practical carrier bags. It is not a call to introduce charging as some of their competitors have done. It gives Tesco an opportunity to draw a distinction against other retailers, by giving customers what they have previously had.
We the undersigned call upon Tesco to return to providing free carrier bags of adequate strength and thickness, to allow customers to get their shopping all the way home, without depositing it onto carparks or driveways and without having to replace items which are damaged or broken as a result.
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The Tesco - Bring back proper carrier bags petition to Anyone who shops in supermarkets was written by Nigel Simmons and is in the category Business at GoPetition.