The Conservative Party
United Kingdom

The Conservative Party - including David Cameron - has repeatedly refused to reveal the tax status of its deputy chairman, Lord Ashrcoft, who has funded the party for almost three decades.

This has continued even after Lord Ashcroft promised to return to the UK from his home in Belize and pay UK income tax by the end of 2000, when he was made a peer.

David Cameron has said that, if elected, the Conservatives will "create a right of initiative nationally, where any petition that collects 100,000 signatures will be eligible to be formally debated in the House of Commons. Any petition with a million signatures will allow members of the public to table a Bill that could end up being debated and voted on by MPs."

So Mr Cameron has provided us with his definition of significance; that sounds like a challenge.

We request that the Conservative Party makes the tax status of its deputy chairman, Lord Ashcroft, public.

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The The Conservative Party should reveal the tax status of Lord Ashcroft petition to The Conservative Party was written by Dan Sumners and is in the category Politics at GoPetition.