- Target:
- Uk Government
- Region:
- United Kingdom
This petition is based on a number of my letters that were sent to MP Right Honourable David Cameron PM, which concerned an ever-rising number of unlawful deprivation issues to UK society. These irrefutable shown issues were presented to the current Prime Minister in requesting he uphold his public duty and the acts of UK law on behalf of UK society.
The Prime Minister has been made aware many times not only in these requests but also by an ever-rising many concerned other people of the UK by their lawful requests. Who have the same or similar concerns in the ever-rising deprivation towards UK society that is unlawfully/un-legislatively maliciously causing their unnecessary suffering? Where an unlawful willing malicious blindness to upholding any stated public duty or the upholding of the acts of UK law gives lawful rise to the petitions question
Is Right Honourable David Cameron PM Now Fit for public office?
This petition for UK residents only is based on the fact that we in the UK live in a democracy where under the laws of free speech we should be lawfully allowed to pass comment on our ruling political parties.
This petition is based on a number of my letters that were sent to MP Right Honourable David Cameron PM, which concerned an ever-rising number of unlawful deprivation issues to UK society. These irrefutable shown issues were presented to the current Prime Minister in requesting he uphold his public duty and the acts of UK law on behalf of UK society – The Prime Minister has been made aware many times not only in these requests but also by an ever-rising many concerned other people of the UK by their lawful requests. Who have the same or similar concerns in the ever-rising deprivation towards UK society that is unlawfully/un-legislatively maliciously causing their unnecessary suffering? Where an unlawful willing malicious blindness to upholding any stated public duty or the upholding of the acts of UK law gives lawful rise to the petitions question
Where if it is of proportional consensus of UK society that MP Mr D Cameron PM is not fit for public office then a lawful application for the good of all (under the acts of UK law – High court hearing trial by jury) shall be lawfully issued for misconduct in public office. Where any court of law in the UK refusing to take this application only further lawfully raises the question of UK democracy or a deliberately hidden fascism. Which violates the stated human rights of every man, woman and child of the United Kingdom in not upholding the acts of UK laws and the UK peoples stated rights?
I had written a letter to Mr Cameron Subject: UK Government V's Gaddafi - What do you think? – Who is the tyrant? The UK government Prime Minister has stated they have gone after Gaddafi, because he is a tyrant, does not listen to his people and continually maliciously persecutes them. Asking where do you have such a lawful/legislative right to lawfully condone this decision, when the same malicious vindictive persecution can be shown in ever-rising issues to be ongoing on in the UK, which you as many other previous PM’s unlawfully refuse to address? This and other letters further outlined the following
1 - From our government plus the current Prime Minister, despite many promises we have been given no choice in the EU referendum? Especially since it is now depriving UK society by its own unlawful actions, where they amongst much else like many UK government departments (Hol Hoc, parliament, DWP) never get their accounts signed off on time?
2 – Unlawful procurement of taxpayer’s money (which is tantamount to fraud and deception) is rife in government and other circles. Which can be further demonstrated by the expenses scandal, we the people want our say in regard to this unlawful procurement of taxpayer’s money, which includes all MP’s expenses. Why does the twenty most useless ways of government spending (by B Gerrish of the UK column) show that our government and their useless wastage of money (coupled with the banks bail outs) is really responsible for our national debt and has nothing to do with the people or taxpayer?
2a – Where it has to be lawfully questioned of 2 – of the self proclaimed allowances such as second homes where they unlawfully reap the profit of taxpayer's money -subsidies of taxpayer paid private medical care whilst they unlawfully deprive the UK people of the NHS services - Extra taxpayers money for expenses for food, drink and travel whilst decreasing taxpayers allowances and allowing exorbitant unchecked food prices by those who make billions. Whilst the average taxpayer has to pay for all they require and raises the lawful question – Then how are those working on our behalf when they continually cause deprivation too the rest of UK society?
2b – Especially when it may be shown in irrefutable evidence of how the NHS in their continual unlawful unthinking wasteful spending also further deprives the UK people. From this unlawful malicious deprivation also further derives ever-rising issues of further malicious persecution to UK society by the NHS. A duty of candour (explanation of negligent death in the NHS) has only recently been legislatively granted by government. Which was due to the hard work of people trying to gain lawful justice of their issues, due to the recession Government then cut any legal aid funding to lawfully fight such an issue?
3 – Legislation has been used time and time again to unlawfully override law, which unlawfully further alienates the government away from the people. Which unlawfully denies them any honest public duty, we the people want this honest public duty returned to us according to governments self written seven principals of public life, Selflessness, integrity, (honest) objectivity, (full lawful) accountability, openness, honesty, (True honest) leadership, of which at present we lawfully/legislatively have none. Why do the genuine maliciously persecuted have to turn too websites on the net to advertise the unlawful non-upholding of our UK laws, because no honest public duty is forthcoming from government – Where now they and others of the same unlawful ilk unlawfully want to take control of the net?
3b – Where our government have (Unlawfully) introduced what they deem as political correctness, which is again being shown to unlawfully, cover up the “Real Truth”. This again unlawfully aids and abets those who will not show any honest public duty or uphold the acts of UK law
4 – Irrefutable evidence will show of ever-rising not fit for lawful purpose courts with corrupt judges who do not uphold or observe the UK acts of Law. Where the current Prime Minister will be shown to have no honest public duty or any intention of upholding the acts of UK law
4a – Solicitors continually unlawfully procure taxpayers money via the legal aid service where again our current Prime Minister will not act with any honest public duty or uphold the acts of UK law. Neither will our PM act of the same when it may be shown solicitors in ever-rising issues do not lawfully act for their clients.
5 – Despite the government statement of the importance of keeping families together, they are all too often unlawfully torn apart by secret family courts with no lawful redress. Where targets and secret bonuses/grants etc are the name of the game instead of any honest lawful justice, or on complaint to government any honest public duty.
6 – The police in ever-rising issues (especially on this white collar fraud), not observing or upholding the UK acts of law. Where they will unlawfully set up the complainant to unlawfully maliciously persecute, unlawfully incarcerate or murder rather than observe their public duty.
7 – The film Inside Job shows the latest recession was caused by the bankers own fraud and deception to UK society. Where our current Prime Minister further deprives and persecutes the UK people, whilst unlawfully allowing the exorbitant bonuses of the bankers to continue. This unlawful procurement of money is yet another criminal act of UK law our current Prime Minister has shown no honest public duty public in regard to UK society.
8 - Our UK government also keeps going on about society failure, yet who created it and continually deprives it from their own legislation? Where our government in real reality only wants the recent rioters severely punished because it was to close to them.
9 - Complaints systems like our justice systems are again run on billions taxpayers money where it is on complaining of his witnessed criminal actions, in ever-rising issues just as judge Hickinbottom stated to me in witnessed hearing " Mr Ronald it is a known fact that no government department of complaint works on behalf of the public" - Where the ever-rising many persecuted can again confirm there is no lawful redress and this is true.
10 - Our elderly in paying taxes all their lives are being unlawfully maliciously persecuted in any lawful/legislative right to health care – Where yet again big businesses can be shown to have acted unlawfully and made millions, in many instances, where yet again it is UK society who has to maliciously suffer?
11 - The UK government deems to place an ever-rising many in debt for a higher education whilst this sheer wastage of taxpayers money is still ongoing and of which they will do nothing about
In “Real Reality” whichever way you look at it, we the UK people can be shown to have an unlawful one-sided tyrannical pacification system. With all the same political party agendas, which just continually further oppress and deprive the taxpayer and UK people. Where there is no honest public duty, and no honest observing or upholding of the law, which is all that is wrong in the UK - For this is what has unlawfully created today's society and for which our unlawful we do not care and you do not matter government attitude has deliberately created
UK Democracy or unlawful malicious Fascism that is the question?
Our blog? - http://the-uk-peoples-choice.blogspot.com/
So please join me for the good of all in signing this petition and so to in the court application if you have the documented evidence. Stop the UMVP (Unlawful Malicious Vindictive Persecution) by the UK people for the UK people.
Thank you and regards
Paul Ronald (ptds05@hotmail.co.uk)
(If anyone requires any evidence of fact to these unlawful malicious issues then please contact me where I will forward to you at my earliest)
Acts of Misconduct in Public office
It will be shown in future evidence of the intended application that any named Government person/ Department, or Government party are guilty of at least one, or more of these below acts -
292 Neglect of duty by Public officer – It is an indictable offence at common law for a public officer wilfully and without reasonable excuse or justification to neglect to perform a duty imposed on him either by common law or statute – The penalty for the offence is fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the court and loss of office
291 Breach of trust or fraud – Any public officer who commits a breach of trust or fraud in a matter affecting the public is guilty of an indictable offence at common law even though the same conduct if in a private transaction would, as between individuals have given rise only to a civil action – The offence is punishable by fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the court.
290 Oppression – A public officer commits the common law offence of oppression if, while exercising, or under colour of exercising, his office, he inflicts upon any person from an improper motive any bodily harm, or imprisonment or injury other then extortion – Is an indictable offence punishable by imprisonment and fine at the discretion of the court.
(iii) Impeding the apprehension or prosecution of Arrestable offenders
51 Where a person has committed an arrestable offence, any other person commits an offence who, knowing or believing him to be guilty of the offence, or of some other arrestable offence, does without lawful authority, or reasonable excuse, any act with intent to impede his apprehension or prosecution. The offence is punishable on indictment according to the gravity of the arrestable offence as follows (1) if that offence is one for which the sentence is fixed by law, the offender is liable to imprisonment for not more than ten years.
(2) If it is one for which a person, not previously convicted, may be sentenced to imprisonment for a term of fourteen years, the offender is liable to imprisonment for not more than seven years.
(3) If it is an offence, not included in heads (1) and (2) above, but for which a person, not previously convicted, may be sentenced to imprisonment for a term of ten years, the offender is liable to imprisonment for not more than five years; and
(4) In any other case, the offender is liable to imprisonment for not more than three years.
No proceedings may be instituted for such an offence except by or with the consent of the Director of Public Prosecutions.
(iii) Obstructing the Course of Justice
315 – Perversion of the course of justice. It is an indictable offence at common law to pervert the course of justice. The offence is otherwise referred to as obstructing the course of justice, obstructing or interfering with the administration of justice and defeating the due course or the ends of justice. The offence consists of an act, a series of acts or conduct which has the tendency and is intended to pervert the course of justice. The course of justice may be perverted by discontinuing a criminal prosecution in return for payment; bringing a false charge against a person; making false statements to police officers investigating an offence; doing an act calculated to assist another to avoid arrest; improperly interfering with a witness; a witness deliberately absenting himself from proceedings in return for payment; producing fabricated evidence; publishing articles calculated to interfere with the course of justice; improperly aborting a prosecution; frustrating a statutory procedure which would or could otherwise lead to prosecution.- The offence is punishable by fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the court.
(4) the gist of the offence is conduct which may lead and is intended to lead to a miscarriage of justice whether or not a miscarriage of justice actually occurs. Proof of intention alone is not sufficient: R v Machin (1980) 3All Er 151,71Cr App Rep 166, CA; R v Bassi (1985) crim LR 671, CA. There must be evidence that what the accused has done is enough for there to be a risk, without further action by him, that injustice will result. In other words, there must be a possibility that what he has done without more might lead to injustice; R v Murray (1982) 2 All ER 225,75 Cr App Rep 58, CA. The prosecution deos not have to prove that the tendency in fact materialised; R v Machin supra; R V Murray supra;
Public bodies Corrupt Practices (Act1898)
Chapter 69 – An act for the more effectual prevention and Punishment of Bribery and Corruption of and by member’s officers, or servants, of Corporations, Councils, Boards, Commissions, or other Public Bodies (30 August 1889) –
WHEREAS it is expedient more effectually to provide for the prevention and punishment of bribery and corruption of and by members, officers, or servants of corporations, councils, boards, commissions, or other public bodies:
Be it therefore enacted by the Queens most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and commons, in this present parliament assembled and by the authority of the same, as follows –
(1) Every person who shall by himself or by or in conjunction with any other person, corruptly solicit or receive, or agree to receive, for himself, or for any other person, any gift, loan, fee, reward, advantage whatever as an inducement to, or reward for, or otherwise on account of any member, officer, or servant, of any public body as in this Act defined doing or forbearing to do anything in respect of any matter or transaction whatsoever, actual; or proposed in which the said public body is concerned, shale; be guilty of misdemeanor. (Spelling quoted from act)
(2) Every person who shall by himself or by, or in conjunction with any other person corruptly give promise, or offer any gift, loan, fee, reward or advantage whatsoever to any person, whether for the benefit of that person or of another person, as an inducement to or reward for or otherwise on account of any member, officer, servant of any public body as in this Act defined, doing or forbearing to do anything in respect of any matter or transaction whatsoever, actual or proposed, in which such public body as aforesaid is concerned, shall be guilty of misdemeanor.
(2) Any person on conviction for offending as aforesaid shall at the discretion of the court before which he is convicted, (a) be liable to be imprisoned for any period not exceeding two years, with or without hard labour, or to pay a fine not exceeding five hundred pounds, or to both such imprisonment and such a fine.
The Right Honourable D Cameron PM is not fit for public office.
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The The Right Honourable D Cameron PM is not fit for public office petition to Uk Government was written by Paul Ronald and is in the category Politics at GoPetition.