- Target:
- Home Churches International
- Region:
- United States of America
- Website:
- www.theunitedsaintsofamerica.us
Our Declaration of Dependence
To Be Made Public;
The 4th of July, 2013
Washington, DC
“Calling All Christians To Stand With Us In Person or In Spirit”
* * * Help Us Gather 1 Million Signatures Before This Event! * * *
I. Because of His Omnipotence, we Depend on His “Breath of Life”
II. Because He is Omniscient, we Total Depend and Submit to His Wonder Working Power for every aspect of our lives. Even our Trials and Tribulations works for our good and to His Glory.
III. Because of His Omnipresence, we Depend and Know by Faith we are never alone. The knowingness, that where ever we are, The Impossible is always Possible In and With Him.
IV. With this being said, WE DECLARE;
a. All Life is Holy and Precious. Especially Human Life, for which He is Sovereign. He Divinely Created and Instituted Marriage as Man and Wife. Commanding them to be Fruitful and Multiply and Fill the Earth.
b. The Family Unit Constitutes the First Government, with its God Given Moral Values, the Authority to set Laws and Customs for the Greater Eternal Good of All Mankind.
c. We Demand to Keep our Religious Freedoms Free from Any Form of Government.
d. We must Stand Against Unjust Laws set by Man that Conflict with Biblical Teachings and Customs.
e. We Stand with the spirit of America’s Forefathers as inscribed on our National Monuments in Washington DC.
We Declare Our Independence from this world (John 15:19) as We Declare Our Dependence on The Higher Laws and Loves GOD! Claiming our Rights as Americans to Life, Liberty and The Pursuits of Happiness!
By signing this petition We STAND TODAY UNDER YOUR HEAVEN LORD, and say "We are your people! Save Us and Our Children and Our Children's Children. And Heal Our Land as 2 Chronicles 7:14. I Affirm That on The Day of The "United Prayer Rally" I Will be there in Person Or In The Spirit!
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The The United Saints Of America "UNITED PRAYER RALLY" petition to Home Churches International was written by The United Saints of America and is in the category Patriotism at GoPetition.