TO THE Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) in regard to recent media bias against innocent Pashtun

- Target:
- CBC- Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
- Region:
- Canada
- Website:
On Friday April 3rd, 2009, CBC broadcasted a documentary regarding the presence of Pashtun Taliban in Karachi, Pakistan. The claims, comments and conclusions made in this video report lack substance, and factual analysis. The report wholly subscribes to the views and opinions of MQM- an ethnic local political Party. Pashtun Community of Canada was outraged to watch this documentary, unfairly and untruthfully portraying Pashtuns in Karachi as Terrorists.
Karachi is a multi-ethnic and the biggest city of Pakistan. Approximately Two million (2,000,000) Pashtuns are living in Karachi who have gradually settled there since long. These Pashtuns have established businesses and are contributing the much needed workforce for the development of this metropolitan city. Over the past 50 years the Pashtuns have established themselves as successful entrepreneurs, business owners and dignified residents of Karachi. Ever since its economic and political interests started clashing in early 80s due to emergence of middle class Pashtuns, MQM has adopted anti Pashtun policy based on racial discrimination and ethnic killings.
Like the producer of CBC, we too are worried about the increased influence of Taliban across the region, but the CBC made a journalistic error by focusing only one side of the story and ignoring the consequences of this one sided documentary for the two million plus Pashtuns in Karachi; particularly for the newly arrived refugees forced by the Taliban and the military out of their homes and towns in the North.
We the undersigned demand CBC to stop this media bias against innocent Pashtuns who are themselves victims of terrorism. We need media support to eliminate Talibinization from our region, however by portraying all Pashtuns as a Taliban will damage the anti Taliban struggle initiated by Pashtuns around the world.
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The TO THE Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) in regard to recent media bias against innocent Pashtun petition to CBC- Canadian Broadcasting Corporation was written by Pakhtunkhwa Peace Forum and is in the category Media Issues at GoPetition.