Josh Matlow City Councillor

Hello Im a 16 year old skateboarder! Last summer I helped coordinate and build a DIY skatepark in the Hodgson middle school ice rink, along with other skaters from the neighborhood. The park lasted about 3 months and built a small but solid community before getting taken down near the end of August. Both rinks were subsequently locked as well. The rinks are still currently closed for all community use, and have become empty lots home to dirt and the occasional broken beer bottle. My goal is to bring back a new and improved skatepark to the Hodgson rink in summer/fall 2022. Im looking to collect signatures in support of starting up the skatepark once more. Collecting signatures will greatly help with getting the local city councillor Josh Matlow and TDSB to support our cause. In the past Josh Matlow has advocated for families to get access to these very same rinks that are currently gated off. This is just one of a number reasons why I think he would support this initiative. Thank you for taking the time to check us out!
- Eli Hoffman

We the undersigned, currently live in the GTA and support/wish to see the construction of a skatepark for community use in either of the Hodgson middle school ice rinks.

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The Toronto Hodgson Rink Skatepark petition to Josh Matlow City Councillor was written by Eli Hoffman and is in the category Sports at GoPetition.