- Target:
- City of Plymouth
- Region:
- United States of America
- Website:
- www.facebook.com
There is a clear and present danger for pedestrians and automobile traffic at the three-way intersection of Polaris LaneN/52nd Ave N and Niagara Lane N. It is our belief that it’s not a matter of if, but when an accident will happen if no action is taken. As residents of Hampton Hills, we are petitioning the city for a three-way stop at this unsafe intersection. The following issues make the intersection a liability to our drivers and children:
1) Vehicles driving south on Niagara and turning onto either Polaris or 52nd have a significant blind spot from approaching traffic from the east on 52nd. Approaching traffic cannot be seen by the Niagara traffic until midway through the intersection.
2) This blind intersection is also the location for at least two school bus stops for both Basswood and Weaver Lake Elementary Schools. For the same reasons mentioned above, children cannot be seen standing or crossing the street by traffic approaching from 52nd Ave. Currently there are eight children (plus parents and siblings) waiting for the Basswood bus and another two children waiting for a Weaver Lake bus. Next year, that number could double or triple. If an accident were to happen while kids are waiting, it could be catastrophic.
3) This intersection is the main crossing for children from the north side of the neighborhood to access the neighborhood park. They stop and look both ways but cannot move fast enough (by foot or bike) to cross before a vehicle has entered the intersection. Several kids have had near misses already and that will increase as more children are old enough to make their way to the park.
4) The hill on Niagara gets slippery in the winter and the sight lines from both Polaris and 52nd are narrowed with the encroaching snow banks creating “Tunnel Vision”. Southbound Niagara traffic approaching down the hill have already been known to slide into the intersection and thus could collide with crossing traffic from either direction.
5) If the lease ends for the cell tower to the west of the intersection and Polaris is straightened out, vehicles will approach at faster speeds and cause an additional hazard for both drivers and children.
We fear for the safety of our children and the safety of crossing automobile traffic. Join us to petition the city of Plymouth for a controlled three-way stop at this dangerous intersection!
We, the under-signed, hereby petition the City of Plymouth to install a 3 way Stop Sign at the intersection of Polaris Ln N and Niagara Ln N
There is an incredible danger to the children and families that use this intersection as the bus stop and crosswalk to get to the neighborhood park.
Additionally, drivers coming down Niagara Ln N and turning on to Polaris Ln N cannot see other cars traveling on Polaris Ln due to a blind intersection. Your car has to be about mid intersection in order to fully see traffic coming, which is a huge risk for a serious accident
Therefore, we urge this issue to be addressed immediately and begin work on a stop sign for this dangerous intersection..
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Traffic control Polaris & Niagara Intersection petition to City of Plymouth was written by Hampton Hills Neighborhood and is in the category Local Government at GoPetition.