- Target:
- To get the freedom writers to tell there stories in Ottawa High Schools
- Region:
- Canada
- Website:
- www.freedomwritersfoundation.org
Many students face situations such as gangs, immigration, drugs, violence, abuse, death, anorexia, dyslexia, teenage love, weight issues, divorce, suicide, learning disabilities and more.
Going through these and many other situations can cause some students to stop beleiving in themselves which can create a negative chain of others giving up on them and judging without trying to undertsand them which leads to them believing in themselves even less.
Erin Gruwell the teacher of the freedom writers never gave up on the students at wilson high in room 203 which led to all 150 of her students ending up acheiving what most including themselves thought was the impossible. All 150 students graduated high school. While Erin was teaching she had gotten them to write there stories in hopes that others would see that they weren't alone.
There stories were made into a book called the freedom writers diaries and they even started the freedom writers organization which is dedicated to helping students and teachers alike keep alive the spirit of the freedom writers.
We, the signed below, feel that students in our high schools here could certainly benefit from the stories of the freedom writers, since many of students here go through the same situations as they did.
Therefore hearing about there stories will no only let them know that they are not alone in there struggles but as well by hearing about how through someone trying to understand them instead of judging, and someone believing in them getting them to believe in themselves, gave them enough inner strength to become unbreakable and achieve everything they put there minds to.
This will help break the negative chain and create an unbreakable chain of Understanding Beleiving and Achieving.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Un-Break-Able the Freedom Writers event petition to To get the freedom writers to tell there stories in Ottawa High Schools was written by Jimmy Hipson and is in the category Education at GoPetition.