- Target:
- Neopets Team
- Region:
Allow me to introduce myself. My neopets screen name is archinae. I used to be 3mousekeeper, but that account was frozen. For practically no reason.
In mid- July of 2003, I had been going to General Chat for over a month, and was considered a "reg" by most of the other GCers. For once, I was respected. People actually liked me for being a weird person. See, I didn't get much respect in real life. In fact, a large margin of the people I knew seemed to hate me- but that's beyond the point I'm trying to get across. One day, I posted a message board as follows:
Subject: Hey, wanna talk dirty? Click here...
Message: Once a white horse fell in the mud.
It was nothing but a childish joke, but it got me frozen. I wanted to make people laugh; you guys threw my account in the trash. This is the pure, honest truth. I never said any cursewords, I never got any warnings, and I was frozen all for a stupid little joke.
So, I've come to this conclusion. You, the Neopets Team, obviously hate GCers. It seems like you were waiting for me to post something stupid, to give you a reason to freeze me, all because I have some friends on a message board who I can relate to. You might be able to disprove this theory of mine by unfreezing my 3mousekeeper account, or at least transferring my neopoints, items, and the lab ray to my archinae account.
I used to be 3mousekeeper, but that account was frozen.
One day, I posted a message board as follows:
Subject: Hey, wanna talk dirty? Click here...
Message: Once a white horse fell in the mud.
It was nothing but a childish joke, but it got me frozen. Completely unfair, right? I want the Neopets Team to give me back my account.
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The Unfreeze 3mousekeeper petition to Neopets Team was written by Mouse and is in the category Miscellaneous at GoPetition.