- Target:
- Home Secretary & Local Government Leaders
- Region:
- United Kingdom
- Website:
- www.parkspoliceuk.com
Over recent years there has been a rise in the formation of local authority run Parks Police / Constabulary Services operating within the London Region. Parks Police Services are governed by their respective local authority; therefore, none are run to a set regional or national standard.
Typically, there are variations in Training, Uniform, Issue of Personal Protective Equipment, Vehicles, Livery and Rank Structures. Each individual service is accountable to their respective Local Authority and currently falls outside the Independent Police Complaints Commission.
Parks Police Officers (Parks Constables) are attested in a Magistrates Court as Constables under Article 18, Ministry of Housing and Local Government Provisional Order Confirmation (Greater London Parks & Open Spaces) Act 1967.
This legislation is dated and unclear, which leaves many legal arguments constantly being debated which causes a greater level of confusion amongst the services themselves and Home Office Force Colleagues.
Issues surrounding Uniform, Training, Vehicles, Livery, Protective Equipment and Rank Structures and management needs to be standardised across the London Region, enabling such services to receive the appropriate recognition for the function they perform within our communities. The formation of a 'Local Authority Parks Police Commission' with representatives from each respective Local Authority and representatives from the Metropolitan / City Police, along with a cross section of the community would add to the accountability of such services.
Legislation surrounding Parks Police / Constabulary Services should be revised to fall inline with other more recent Police and Anti Social Behaviour Legislation enabling the potential of these services to be maximised and utilised within London borough's in tackling Crime & Anti Social behaviour.
We the undersigned fully support the following proposals of this petition:
(1)Local Authority Parks Police / Constabulary Services should work to a Regional or National Standard as laid down by Government.
(2)Current Legislation surrounding Parks Police Services should be reviewed and updated to fall inline with more recent Police & Anti Social behaviour Legislation to assist services in tackling Crime and Anti Social Behaviour issues successfully.
(3)Uniform, Training, Vehicles, Livery, Personal Protective Equipment,Rank Structures, Policies and Procedures should be standardised across the region.
(4)The formation of a 'Local Authority Parks Police Commission' as a sub committee to the Police Complaints Commission to be initiated.
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The Uniformity for Londons Parks Police / Constabulary Services petition to Home Secretary & Local Government Leaders was written by Parks Police UK and is in the category Government at GoPetition.