- Target:
- Nokia, HMD Global, Foxconn
- Region:
Android is characterized by its nature of being an open-source operating system, however, some manufacturers, for example HMD Global with the 'Nokia' brand, do not give the user the ability to unlock the bootloader of their device. We understand that HMD Global wants to protect itself in the event of software incidents, but it is not a valid justification, since other manufacturers (Samsung, Google, Xiaomi), leave the possibility to do so, obviously losing the guarantee. We find this behavior by HMD Very rude to the entire Android community and demand the unlocking of the bootloader of all Nokia devices. We do not tolerate even the mockery of the unlocking of the bootloader of the Nokia 8 (which always took place in 2018), which certainly was used as a means of propaganda to convince users to buy Nokia smartphones with the false promise of unlocking all other devices Consequently, the Android and Nokia community ask HMD Global to unblock the bootloader of all devices as soon as possible, as time has passed!
MUST finish this thing! Android is a free platform and we users choose what to do with our smartphone!
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The Unlock Nokia bootloader! petition to Nokia, HMD Global, Foxconn was written by John Zuñiga and is in the category Science & Technology at GoPetition.