- Target:
- South Pasadena Community
- Region:
- United States of America
Research proves the benefits of an arts education. Study after study has proven that students with the opportunity to study the arts consistently outperform others in reading, vocabulary, language arts, and history.
They participate in youth groups more frequently, read for pleasure more often, and perform community service more often!
The arts are a “No Child Left Behind” mandated core academic subject! The No Child Left Behind Act defines the arts as a core academic subject, to be taught in the nation’s schools on par with math, science and language.
Our elementary school teachers are mandated to cover visual and performing arts subjects in their classrooms.
Sign this petition to request SPUSD support for a visual arts program and teacher.
We believe that SPUSD students deserve a professionally trained, experienced visual art teacher with passion and skill, who will provide an essential knowledge base, ignite our children’s imagination and instill a love of art.
Your signature on this petition will urge the South Pasadena Board of Education, the South Pasadena Unified School District and the South Pasadena Educational Foundation to support district-wide professional visual arts education at the elementary level!
**We’d also love to know your occupation and if your arts education helped get you there - please provide this under comments!!
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Visual Arts Program for South Pasadena Elementary Schools petition to South Pasadena Community was written by Lisa Grabow and is in the category Education at GoPetition.