- Target:
- Marion County Board of County Commissioners
- Region:
- United States of America
On February 19th 2008, the Marion County Board of County Commissioners postponed voting on the 65 acre Baseline Landfill expansion until July 15th 2008. We are asking for your continued support in signing this very important petition opposing this expansion. This expansion raises immediate health concerns for the neighboring family communities, Forest High School, and the Rotary Sports Complex.
Health, Environment and Quality of Life:
As residents of Marion County we need to be concerned about our environment, health and quality of life. Landfill expansion into a karst-sensitive (sinkhole-prone) area poses a threat to both the aquifer and the quality of life we are leaving behind for future generations. Eliminating this threat and protecting our environment takes careful analysis, planning, and long term vision. The proposed expansion is short sighted, puts the environment at risk and places a higher value on cost savings over life.
Mismanaged Tax Dollars:
The Marion County Board of County Commissioners has mismanaged the taxpayer dollars and ran the current landfill into a deficit of $1.8 million and wasted $6 Million on a failed transfer station project that lasted a little over three years. The transfer station was voted to be shut down on February 5th, 2008.
Broken Promise:
In 2001 an ordinance in Marion County was passed prohibiting any more class I, II, or III landfills being built or expanded after January 1, 2002. Our current elected Commissioners have taken the liberty to revoke this ordinance, therefore breaking the promise to the citizens of Marion County.
We, the undersigned, are calling on and imploring our County Commissioners: Andy Kesselring, Jim Payton, Stan McClain, Barbara Fitos, and Charlie Stone to vote NO on the special use permit to expand the current Baseline Landfill and explore other alternatives that do not jeopardize our health, environment, and quality of life for current and future generations.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Vote No to Landfill Expansion petition to Marion County Board of County Commissioners was written by votenolandfill and is in the category Environment at GoPetition.