Walmart CEO Doug McMillon, Employee's, Saraland Alabama Chief J. C. West, Employee's
United States of America

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Mrs. Kidd Rights were Violated by Pat McCaster, Patrol Commander Lieutenant Billy O'Dell, and Officer C. Campbell. They saw what Walmart surveillance video footage did not capture. Not one of the men went against each other even though Pat McCaster, Lieutenant Billy O'Dell and Officer C. Campbell looked at the video, as soon as, they walked into the Access Protection Room. As you will see in the second video, my family privacy was violated, as well, which could have been avoid if Pat McCaster, Lieutenant Billy O'Dell and Officer C. Campbell had told the truth, as to who they had seen in the Walmart surveillance video. The lady in the video was definitely not Mrs. Kidd.

The youtube account of the two videos, with audio of Lieutenant Billy O'Dell, Officer C Campbell, Walmart, Access Protection Manager, Sabrina, Mrs. Kidd and her Daughter, to support this falsely Accused Crime, have since been terminated by Google. However, both videos still exist.

Walmart Supercenter Store Inc. in Saraland, Alabama, employee, Pat McCaster, who works in the Access Protection Room and Saraland, Alabama Police Officers, Lieutenant Billy O'Dell and Officer C. Campbell Falsely Accused, and Interrogated, Mrs. Kidd, a 64-year-old Mother and Grandmother, who never walked into the store, of Stealing a cell Phone.

They were unnecessarily humiliated, embarrassed, which brought on anxiety, depression, fear, worry, frustration and insomnia, as people walked in and out of the store, stopping, watching and coming back inside of the store to get a better look at the accused victim, her daughter and her three grandchildren.
During the recording of the first video in the lobby (outer section of the store), Mrs. Kidd was actually marked by a bystander. Mrs. Kidd said to her daughter and Officer C. Campbell, I am going to sue. The bystander repeated, as to what she had said to her daughter and Officer C. Campbell, I am going to sue.

WHAT ABOUT US...Mrs. Kidd, her Daughter and Grandchildren

I Mrs. Kidd a 64-year-old Grandmother walked along with my daughter and my three Grandchildren into Walmart Supercenter Store Inc. lobby, in Saraland, Alabama, to the Eco ATM Machine, which is located on the right, outer section of the store. We all stood in a line behind a couple that was selling several and then some, cell phones.

Sometime after a very tall, slim, black man, Pat McCaster, who name I did not know at the time, walked out the Access Protection Room, looked at me and my purse in a strange way. I was then question by my daughter and even teased by my Grandchildren, as to who is that? Do you know him? My answer was no. Even though he did give me the shivers, I just brush it off. Before long, Pat McCaster walked back into the Access Protection Room.

However, Officer C. Campbell who is a Saraland, Alabama, Police Officer, whom name I didn't know at the time walked into the lobby of the Walmart Supercenter Store and into the Access Protection Room.

It was then that my Grandson walked over to a bench and sat down. As I went to join my Grandson, Saraland, Alabama, which is a City out of Mobile, Alabama, Police Officer Lieutenant O'Dell, whom name I didn't know at the time, arrived and stared me down in a strange way, while he walked toward and into the Access Protection Room, where Officer C. Campbell were.

Looking back Lieutenant O'Dell had a look on his face like he knew and had a description of, who he came to interrogated or arrest and that was what he did, interrogated me for no, just cause.

Lieutenant O'Dell and Officer C. Campbell walked out of the Access Protection Room, but Lieutenant O'Dell walked straight to me and said, "Can I talk to you?" I said sure. I stood up walked away from the bench in which my grandson and I sat on, with Lieutenant O'Dell, as he directed me to the Access Protection Room, the room where they take shoplifters.

At some point before that, I had thrown a little shade at my daughter and said to her, they coming after you. We laugh about it and she said know, they coming after you. I'll never play like that again with no one, because, they really did come after me.

Access Protection Room:
When I walked into the Access Protection Room, Lieutenant O'Dell and Pat McCaster, went at me.

To me, they were in an aggressive rough mode.
Pat McCaster and Lieutenant O'Dell interrogated and falsely accused me of stealing a cell phone, out of Walmart.

While I stood in the Access Protection Room, Pat McCaster told me, you stole the cell phone. That's you in that video. You did it. You are in this video stealing a cell phone. I walked toward the screen and I said, can I see the tape, meaning can I come closer.

Pat McCaster said, in a disrespectful way, no I'm talking to him.
How can you be talking to him when you specifically said to me, the above things?

As I stood against the wall, Lieutenant O'Dell, yelled at me and said, "You stole a cell phone. That's you in that tape. You stole that cell phone. You are in the video stealing it. The video is showing you stealing the cell phone.

So, then I asked, does the person have a scarf on their head like me? Is the person dress like me? I didn't get an answer from Pat McCaster and nor did I get an answer from Lieutenant O'Dell.

So, I said to Pat McCaster and Lieutenant O'Dell, I haven't been in the store. Lieutenant O'Dell softly said, "You haven't been in the store," I said no, I haven't been in the store.
Pat McCaster never did respond at all to me when I said, I had not been in the store, except for him moving his head, as if he heard what I said, but he was not going to look into it.

Then after, to me, Lieutenant O'Dell asked me with a loud rough tone, "Will you give me your license?" I said yes. Lieutenant O'Dell repeated himself, which was a surprising moment to me, with a low tone, "Will you give me your license." Again I said yes. I got my license out of my purse and gave it to Lieutenant O'Dell, and said, but you are not going in my purse, arrest me. Lieutenant O'Dell didn't address that.

At some point Lieutenant O'Dell took a step forward, looked at the Full Screen, large, long, square looking monitor that looked like a television set in which the video was playing on, with my license in his hand.

So, I walked out the door and that's when I saw that Officer C. Campbell was also interrogating my daughter in public by the Eco Atm Machine, while she stood in line behind the couple who heard more than enough and more than anyone should have heard, as people, Walmart customers, walked in and out of the store staring, looking, stopping, and even coming back in the store after leaving out of the store looking toward us, the accused victim and her family.

Suddenly, Lieutenant O'Dell voice tone became even rougher, he said, "Come back here." I walked back into the room. Since I wasn't being spoken to at this time and I had not stole a cell phone and hadn't been in the store I walked out again to check on my daughter. I was worry about her and my Grandchildren safety, with Officer C. Campbell outside in my daughter face, provoking her to raise her voice, so he can, Quote, "Throw her down to the floor and yell out quite resisting," Unquote.

Now, it was like I was in a dream. I couldn't believe this was happening to, us. I really wanted to wake up, but, I wasn't sleep. I was wide awake, not knowing what was going to happen to my Daughter, my Grandchildren and I, because any black person my age and older, has been told by our elders back in the day about Saraland and Chickasaw, Alabama Police Officers and their jails.

Again, I was yelled, at and told to come back in the room by, Lieutenant Billy O'Dell, so I walked back in the room. Lieutenant Billy O'Dell said to me, don't you walk out of this room, unless I tell you to. To me, he looked, as if he wanted to hit me. So I said okay I can do that.

Now, while I was stuck in the Access Protection Room, being falsely, accused and being, interrogated by Lieutenant O'Dell and Pat McCaster, Office C. Campbell had this to say to my daughter, while they stood outside the Access Protection room, near the Eco Atm Machine in the lobby.

Officer C. Campbell: "We have her on camera stealing a cell phone. Yes she did it. I watched her myself on the video. I watched the video personally. It was her. She stole it. We seen her."

If he wore a body cam, which I do not know how they work, it probably was not on, but if it was on, during the time that he told those lies on me to my daughter, it will prove that they all did not tell the truth.

Now, the definition of WE: is used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself and one or more other people considered together. Pat McCaster, Office C. Campbell and Lieutenant Billy O'Dell, were considered together.

Seconds later, Lieutenant Billy O'Dell opened the door and walked out the room, but for some unexplained reason, he never told me that I could come out the Access Protection Room. Soon after, I walked out of that small, tight, room, which seemed, as if the walls were closing in on me, behind Lieutenant O'Dell to my daughter. True enough Officer C. Campbell had provoked my daughter. He told my daughter just what Lieutenant O'Dell and Pat McCaster had told me in the Access Protection Room that I stole a cell phone out of Walmart and even more.
End of the Access Protection Room

As for Officer C. Campbell, his story had now changed from, 'We have her on camera stealing a cell phone. Yes she did it. I watched her myself on the video. I watched the video personally. It was her. She stole it. We seen her." to "Well right now you're part of being conducting an investigation. We don't want to say anything until we watch the video."
That lie, which Officer C. Campbell also told to my daughter, "We don't want to say anything until we watch the video." which possibly could have been said, to deliberately, provoke her while, Lieutenant Billy O'Dell stood watching.

Officer C. Campbell and Lieutenant Billy O'Dell had not only watched the video when they first walked into the store, Lieutenant O'Dell had watched the video in the Access Protection Room, before coming out to Officer C. Campbell and my family, as I walked out behind him. I saw him watching it with my own two eyes, but he never said so, to Officer C. Campbell. He just let Officer C. Campbell go on and on conducting his investigation, as he held my driver license in his hand, before giving them to Officer C. Campbell to give them to me.

Thereafter, I told my daughter to don't give them no reason to throw you on the ground baby.
It was then that Officer C. Campbell stated, "I find that offensive to me, alright, don't be like that. I don't want to hear that, okay." I apology saying I'm sorry. But, look what you're doing to me. You, Pat McCaster and Lieutenant O'Dell are falsely accusing me of stealing a cell phone, and I had not walked into the store and you don't want to hear that. Yet I was still on my best behavior.

My daughter was calm, at the beginning of Officer C. Campbell conducting his so call investigation. She went on to ask Officer C. Campbell: How can, she steal a phone when she hasn't been in the store in a calmly manner. But after the officer had lied to her face to face and now he re-canvassed his story, all she could think was this is racial profiling.

Besides, Pat McCaster, Lieutenant O'Dell and Officer C. Campbell were all told by my daughter and I that I had not been in the store. They all were told by my daughter and me that, I didn't steal a cell phone. Their only concerns were to put the crime on me. They didn't pay us any attention when we told them I had not been in the store and that I didn't steal a cell phone out of Walmart. Now, these are Police Officers, with one being an Assistant Patrol Commander, which we didn't know at the time, namely, Lieutenant Billy O'Dell. He is over the Patrol Officers. Meaning he supervises the street patrol officers.

Therefore my daughter had no choice, but to believe when she told Officer C. Campbell it was racial profiling, that it was racial profiling and I also believed it was racial profiling, as well.
Officer C. Campbell said, "Know it's not."

And after my daughter repeated this is racial profiling, Officer C. Campbell said, "That's ignorant if you say something stupid like that."

His facial expression, and tone, frightened me and at that moment I knew I had to do something fast before my daughter became a goner, as well as, me too.

So I rushed over to the couple first and then to my 12-year-old Grandson and asked him, to video the Cops and that was when he told me that he was already recording it, as Lieutenant O'Dell, stood back out of sight, away from the filming of the video, watching.

The moment, Officer C, Campbell realized he was being record; he immediately ended his investigation, which was unbelievable.

Officer C. Campbell said to us: "Y'all have a great weekend. You have a good day Ma'am."
Then Officer C. Campbell walked into the Access Protection Room.

Within the same frame period below is what Lieutenant O'Dell said to my daughter, Grandchildren and me.
Lieutenant Billy O'Dell: You all have to leave the store, you're too loud. But you free to go."
While, we stood looking, frustrated and devastated, Lieutenant Billy O'Dell calmly, repeated himself.
Lieutenant O'Dell said: "Y'all free to go."

Since Lieutenant O'Dell told us that we were free to go, my Daughter, my three Grandchildren, and I walked out of the Walmart Supercenter Store, through the parking lot to our car. I told my daughter that we are not leaving here, without talking to a Manager.

So my daughter called the store and said we need to speak to a Manager outside in the parking lot, because my mother has been accused of stealing a cell phone and we have been put out of the store. A Walmart employee, who answered the phone, connected my daughter, with, the Walmart employee Pat McCaster, who had called the police on me, not one, but two Officers came, Lieutenant O'Dell and Officer C. Campbell. One of them drove a Ford and the other one drove a Chevrolet.

My daughter asked Pat McCaster whom name she didn't know at the time, to send a Manager outside to the parking lot, because my mother had been falsely accused of stealing a cell phone and, she hadn't been in the store.

Pat McCaster said to my daughter, "I'll get a Manager out there to you."

Nevertheless, none of Walmart, Managers walked to the Eco Atm Machine to see why my daughter was a part of Officer C. Campbell investigation. None of Walmart Managers walked into the Access Protection Room, to see if a crime had really taken place in the store and to view the surveillance video footage.

As for the Manager, she took a long time to come out of Walmart. But we had the whole rest of the day to wait on her to come out to us. We weren't going anywhere until we let her knew what was going on.

Just as my daughter was about to call back into the store, Lieutenant Billy O'Dell and Officer C. Campbell hurried pass the Manager, as they went on to walk, out into the parking lot, where my daughter, my grandchildren and I stood, next to our car.

What they didn't know were, my daughter and I were not going to walk away from being falsely accused of a crime that I didn't do, just because Lieutenant Billy O'Dell told us that we were free to go, after they realized, they were being recorded.

What they also didn't know, that we were going to call inside and ask to speak to a Manager, someone whom we had not seen throughout this whole incident and we were going to ask this Manager to come out to the parking lot to us.
Once they realized that my daughter had called the store and Pat McCaster was sending a Manager out to the parking lot, they had to come out to try to turn this deliberately, interrogation and falsely accused crime around to their favor, as if they were good guys, which were exactly what they tried to do.

I stress this; my daughter did not ask the Officers to come out to the parking lot, she asked for a Manager. However, as soon as, I saw Lieutenant O'Dell and Officer C. Campbell coming, out of the store, I knew exactly, what they were coming out to do. Turn this around to their advantage.

On the second video which was filmed in the parking lot, when the Officers walked up to us, Lieutenant O'Dell says to my daughter and I, "Here's where we at."
Now, HERE"S WHERE WE AT; seems as if we were out in the parking lot waiting on them to come out to us.
No, we were not waiting on Lieutenant O'Dell and Officer C. Campbell, who tried to belittle us like we were waiting on them?

We were waiting on Sabrina, who is Walmart, Access Protection Room, Assistant Manager. Sabrina is also, to the best of my knowledge Pat McCaster, Manager. She wouldn't give us her last name because she said that Walmart policy would not allow her, too.

If we had not called inside the store to have a Manager to come out and talk to us, we never would have seen Walmart, Access Protection, Assistant Manager, Sabrina and any other Manager. Lieutenant O'Dell and Officer C. Campbell, also, never would have come out to the parking lot to us either, because Lieutenant O'Dell had already made it perfectly clear to us that I was free to go.

I asked Sabrina, what do you think of this, she didn't answer me. But she did say she can bring us some papers, so, she can turn them over to the Insurance Company, because you say you were falsely accused.

If she had walked into the Access Protection Room and viewed the video, she then would have known that they all lied on me. We said okay to Sabrina concerning the Insurance Company, she turned and walked back into the store and never came back out. But she did send the Assistant Store Manager Rena Peterson, out and we filled out what Walmart calls, an incident report. However,
Walmart Insurance Company never contacted us. As for Sabrina's some of her conversation is on the second video, but not all of it.

However, I'm thinking Sabrina, you are Pat McCaster Manager, where were you and Walmart Assistant Store Manager Rena Peterson and Walmart Store Manager Justin Baxter, when Pat McCaster, Lieutenant Billy O'Dell and Officer C. Campbell falsely accused me of stealing a cell phone and interrogating me?

"That's you in the video, you did it," and etc.? Where were you when Officer C. Campbell was conducting his investigation? Were you the one somewhere, maybe in another part of the store, on the a device giving Pat McCaster a description of the stolen cell phone, with a white case, while I stood being interrogated in the Access Protection Room? Where were you and all the other Walmart Managers? Why didn't each of you, as Managers come to the access Protection Room to view the video, as well?

Which of these were more important, identifying the cell phone, falsely accusing an innocence person of stealing a cell phone, or identifying the correct person, who stole the cell phone?

Back to Lieutenant O'Dell on the second Video outside in the parking lot

Lieutenant O'Dell: "Apparently he got you confuse with another lady."

Now that you are outside in this parking lot, Lieutenant O'Dell you are a whole different person. Where was this Lieutenant O'Dell in the Access Protection Room, when I needed him the most to stand up and be the Cop that he should have been and just told me, what you are telling me now, but you chose to interrogated and falsely accuse me of being that person in the video, who stole the cell phone.

Lieutenant O'Dell: So, apparently there was a lady on the video that had on the same kind of blue shirt that you have on and he mistaken you for that person."

First of all, not just HE, which is Pat McCaster, but what about you, Lieutenant O'Dell and you, Officer C. Campbell, each of you three men deliberately, falsely accused me of stealing a cell phone out of the store. You, Lieutenant O'Dell and Pat McCaster interrogated me.
Officer C. Campbell deliberately conducted a wrongful investigation with my daughter and he deliberately, falsely, lied to my daughter.

All three men story changed when they realized we were not going to be that easy to get rid of and that we had sense enough to have them video and called into the store for a Manager. So stop trying to fix this. You three men messed up.
As for my shirt it was purchase out of town, not in Mobile, Alabama. She didn't have on the same kind of shirt that I had on and if the public sees Walmart video footage they also will know that you two men are lying. There is a different between a same color shirt you have on and the same kind of shirt you have on, as well as the entire outfit from head to toes and a person skin tone.

Me: Two liars, plus one; Lets, say they were given the benefit of the doubt and they had really mistaken the blue shirt with a 1972 design and a Nike logo on it, Lieutenant O'Dell, Officer C. Campbell and Pat McCaster, should have seen, my face. They should have seen the scarf on my head, the wooden cross around my neck that hung down in my chest, the holey jeans folded up above my ankles, my purse, the white ankle socks and the slide shoes. No one was or could have been dressed like me.

Since that's how Walmart Pat McCaster, Lieutenant O'Dell and Officer C. Campbell, handle, identify and falsely accuse a person of stealing, solely on the color of a shirt, everyone need to stay out of Walmart Supercenter Store in Saraland, Alabama and they need to stay out of Saraland, Alabama, Police Officers, Lieutenant Billy O'Dell and Officer C. Campbell, paths.

I would not want to be either one of you three men Partners or Co-workers, because you all cannot pick out the right person in a video. How can you pick out someone in a line up? I guess they would be going to prison for a long time for something they did not do.

A fact check, need to be done on everyone whom, Lieutenant Billy O'Dell and Officer C. Campbell have arrested and on everyone Pat McCaster have accused of stealing and, as well as, had arrested.
Lieutenant O'Dell and Pat McCaster told me that it was I in the video and Officer C, Campbell told my daughter it was I in the video.

Lieutenant O'Dell speaking on the second video in the parking lot:
"They came up to the kiosk and apparently, you came up."
There's no way such a lady was at that Eco Atm Machine, which was called the kiosk by Lieutenant O'Dell.

Run the camera or cameras back to the entrance part of the store, before going in, through, and out of Walmart Supercenter Store in Saraland, Alabama. They didn't do it. They only run the camera back to where they saw the lady stealing, which was the video that I saw and trust me she was not me. They also didn't run the camera back to the Eco Atm Machine. Which should have been done before they falsely accused me of stealing a cell phone. If so, by the Eco Atm Machine being a few feet away from the Access Protection Room and if this person was truthfully really at the Eco Atm Machine, they would have had the thief, but they couldn't catch the thief, because there was no such person at the ECO ATM MACHINE.

Therefore Pat McCaster, Lieutenant O'Dell and Officer C. Campbell nabbed the first black lady with a blue shirt on, that was near the Eco Atm Machine, to place the falsely accused crime, stealing a cell phone on, without taking the time to see if someone else had committed the crime.

The white couple was the only people besides, my daughter, my grandchildren and me at the Eco Atm Machine. The couple was selling maybe 5 or more cell phones, which took time to do, as we stood in line behind them, before I sat down on the, bench.

Officer C. Campbell said on the second video footage to my daughter and me:
"It's not the best of videos."

Well, why would you, Officer C. Campbell, Lieutenant O'Dell and Pat McCaster, put my reputation on the line and falsely accuse me of stealing a cell phone? After all, you are a Lieutenant, you should know better. Instead, you had things just where you wanted it. You falsely accused an innocent lady of a crime base on it was not the best video, as well as, the same kind of blue shirt that I have on. She didn't have on the same kind of blue shirt that I had on. You need to stop lying.

Therefore this is a recap of what what said before my Grandson had started to record the first video:

This is what Officer C. Campbell said off tape, meaning it was not recorded on the video, while he stood talking to my daughter in the outer section of the store. If he wore a body cam, which I do not know how they work, it probably was not on, but if it was on, during the time, that he told those lies on me, to my daughter, it would also prove that they, all did not tell the truth.

Officer C. Campbell: "We have her on camera stealing a cell phone. Yes she did it. I watched her myself on the video. I watched the video personally. It was her, she stole it. We, seen her."

Not only did he say he, he said WE seen her.

Now again I say he told my daughter this directly before the video was being recorded by my Grandson.

On the first video:
Now, minutes after, Officer C. Campbell changed his above statements to the following below statements, but this time my Grandson, who had just started to record, recorded, Officer C. Campbell, below statements, which can be seen and heard on the first video.

Officer C. Campbell: "Well right now you part of being conducting an investigation. We don't want to say anything until we watch the video."
Keep in mind Officer C. Campbell said first, that they as in WE had already watched the video. He then said that we had not watch the video and finally below is what he said when my daughter confronted him in the second video.

My Daughter: "I was told by this Officer that it was her, they seen her, and it was pen pointed that it was her. No misunderstanding period. You said you watched the video personally."

Officer C. Campbell: "Because that's what the video said."

He responded back to her while we all, Lieutenant Billy O'Dell, Walmart Access Protection Manager Sabrina, my Daughter and I stood face to face, in the parking lot. If you don't listen carefully you will miss Officer C. Campbell, admitting to what my daughter said, he had said, to her earlier, before my Grandson had started to record, but this time it is recorded, on the second video.

Again I say, Officer C. Campbell agreed to what my daughter said, he had said to her before my Grandson had started to record and right before he had started to conduct his investigation, that he said my daughter was a part of, which were.
"We have her on camera stealing a cell phone. Yes, she did it. I watched her myself on the video. I watched the video personally. It was her. She stole it. We seen her," and not only did he say he, he said we seen her.

Officer C. Campbell cannot deny what he said out of his own mouth on tape. By him admitting to what he said, before and during the time when my Grandson had started to record, proves that, they had watched the video. This means, Pat McCaster, Lieutenant O'Dell and Officer C. Campbell, set me up to be the person, who stole the cell phone.

Lieutenant O'Dell asked me outside in the parking lot knowing he was being recorded.
"What else I said?"
There was no way I was going to stand there and tell him what else he said, so he can change it all around to his favor, so it could benefit him.

Lieutenant O'Dell, Pat McCaster and I know what all they both said to me in the Access Protection Room. After all, Lieutenant O'Dell and Pat McCaster had already falsely accused me of stealing, a cell phone out of the store. So why should I give Lieutenant O'Dell the opportunity to lie on me or dispute what I knew he said to me in that Access Protection Room.

No, way that was going to happen.

Surely, Walmart has a recording of what the three of us said in the Access Protection Room, as well as, what was said, outside of the Access Protection Room.

Keep in mind no matter what Lieutenant O'Dell and Officer C. Campbell said or tried to fix this, by trying to turn this around to their favor, there was no one at that Eco Atm Machine, but the white couple and my family, No other such person was there, run the cameras back so the public can view them.

They already knew it was not me on that tape.

Quote, "So, who were Lieutenant O'Dell and Officer C. Campbell protecting at all cost, certainly not the black man, Pat McCaster. They would probably not give two bent nickels for him because look what they deliberately did to Mrs. Kidd, a black lady. Who's left? Could it be, Walmart, in Saraland, Alabama, until the tables turned back on Lieutenant O'Dell and Officer C. Campbell and then after, they put it on the Walmart Employee, Pat McCaster and the surveillance video, but not on themselves?" Unquote

My Daughter, my Grandchildren and I were never given a chance to walk inside of the store and were put out the store by Lieutenant Billy O'Dell, EVEN THOUGH I HAD NOT STOLEN A CELL PHONE OUT OF Walmart store. They had reviewed the video tape and they were still saying that I stole the cell phone, out of Walmart and walked to the Eco Atm Machine to sell it, but they let me go anyway.

However, my family and I had driven 21 miles one way, to get to Walmart Supercenter Store in Saraland, Alabama. And upon going to another, Walmart Store to purchase THE GROCERIES in which, we should have purchased, at the Walmart Store in Saraland, Alabama, my Granddaughters had to use the restroom.

They were so afraid they started to cry. They would not go alone; therefore, their brother, which is my Grandson, walked his sisters to the restroom. He stood there and waited for his sisters to come out of the restroom, before joining me, who was extra nervous, and their mother, who were waiting on them, as well.

1. Walmart Employee, Pat McCaster didn't see me going near the item (which was a cell phone) within the premises of the store.
2. Walmart Employee, Pat McCaster didn't see me selecting the item (which was a cell phone) in the premises of the store.
3. Walmart Employee, Pat McCaster didn't see me getting the item (which was a cell phone) concealing it and taking it out from wherever it was.
4. Walmart Employee, Pat McCaster didn't observe or continued to observe the person who did steal the cell phone.

If Walmart Employee, Pat McCaster had done the above things, as well as the Saraland, Alabama, Police Officers, Assistant Patrol Commander Lieutenant Billy O'Dell and Officer C. Campbell, they then, would have known, who the person was that stole the cell phone, which was not me, Mrs. Kidd.

Bring in the fact check on, Walmart Employee, Pat McCaster, Lieutenant O'Dell, Officer C. Campbell and Walmart Supercenter store in Saraland, Alabama, as well.

I could have done to them, Pat McCaster, Lieutenant O'Dell and Officer C. Campbell, what they done to me, and lied about what happen at the Walmart Supercenter Store in Saraland, Alabama, whereas to Pat McCaster, Lieutenant O'Dell and Officer C. Campbell Falsely Accused me of a, crime, stealing a cell phone, but I didn't. Instead of lying like Pat McCaster, Lieutenant O'Dell and Officer C. Campbell, I told the truth to the very best, of my knowledge, as to how I went from being a Grandmother, real fast to a Falsely Accused Criminal, by three men.

As long as, someone higher up continues to allow these so call, larger then life Companies, as well as any Police Department, Officers to continue, to get away with, Falsely Accusing Innocent, PEOPLE of CRIMES that they did not commit, and allowing these Companies and Officers to actually get away with it too, this type of behavior will continue. Make a Change America.

If you take nothing at all away from this, take this and REMEMBER it. Quote, "BY LAW no matter what Cops do to you, they already have a certain amount of immunity over you whether, you, are or not at fault and most importantly whether they, are or not at fault," Unquote.

I am not bashing Cops. There are some good Cops out there, as, to there are some bad ones, as well.

Quote, "It isn't easy to speak the truth once the lie starts, one lie leads to another until you get in deeper and deeper and there looks like there's no other way, but to go on with the lie, no matter who it hurts," Unquote.

Quote, "If a liar talks long enough, he will tell on himself," Unquote.

I did nothing to make Walmart Employee Pat McCaster, Lieutenant O'Dell and Officer C. Campbell believe and tell my daughter and I that I stole a cell phone out of the store. I never walked into the store.

If it was not for my 12-year-old Grandson recording the videos, I was a goner. My daughter also would have been a goner, if I had not walked out that Access Protection Room, behind Lieutenant Billy O'Dell to, her.

Quote, "She probably would have founded, herself on the floor," Unquote.
Officer C. Campbell actually turned red on the first recorded video, and his facial expression changed as well, which made me so afraid for my daughter. I felt like she, my Grandchildren and I were in terrible danger.

Question: Why Lieutenant O'Dell did not tell me that I could come out of the Access Protection Room, but he walked out the door, with my driver license in his hand, stood and watched Officer C. Campbell, conduct his so call investigation in which Officer C. Campbell said my Daughter was a part of?
My daughter was provoked and interrogated By ASSOCIATING with an innocent person, her Mother.

Keep in mind, Lieutenant O'Dell is an Assistant Patrol Commander.

My Grandson not only saved me, his Grandmother, he saved his Mother and his little Sisters, as well as Himself.

Quote, "There is no telling where they were going to be shipped off to before Family members had been notified," Unquote.

Walmart Store Manager on duty: Rena Peterson
Walmart Store Manager Justin Baxter
Walmart Access Protection Manager on duty: Sabrina

Access Protection Employee Pat McCaster on duty, who called the Cops and accused Mrs. Kidd of stealing a cell phone out of the store in which she had not stepped foot in. Mrs. Kidd had not gone no farther than the LOBBY.

Take Action: Mrs. Kidd calls on Walmart CEO Doug McMillion and Saraland, Alabama Police Department, Public Safety Director, Chief of Police J. C. West, Patrol Commander Lieutenant Eddie Taylor and Governor Kay Ivey to take actions. Don't allow Assistant Patrol Commander, Lieutenant, Billy O’Dell, Walmart, Employee, Pat McCaster and Officer C. Campbell to violate innocent people rights.

The youtube account of the two videos, with audio of Patrol Commander, Lieutenant Billy O'Dell, Officer C Campbell, Walmart Access Protection Manager, Sabrina, Mrs. Kidd and her Daughter, to support this falsely Accused Crime of the Officers conducting a wrongful investigation have since been terminated by Google. However, both videos still exist.

Walmart Supercenter Store in Saraland, Alabama, Employee Pat McCaster, Saraland, Alabama Police department, Assistant, Patrol Commander, Lieutenant Billy O’Dell, and Officer C. Campbell, should not have falsely intentionally, accused Mrs. Kidd, an innocent 64 year-old-mother and grandmother of stealing a cell phone and walking out the store into the lobby to the ECO Machine to sell it.
Mrs. Kidd, who sat in the lobby and her daughter, as well as her grandchildren, never stepped foot inside of the, store.

Surprisingly, Mrs. Kidd was escorted to the Access Protection Room by Assistant Patrol Commander, Lieutenant Billy O’Dell, who supervises Street Patrol Officers, such as Officer C. Campbell.
Assistant Patrol Commander, Lieutenant Billy O’Dell and Pat McCaster, who works in the Access Protection Room and who also called the Cops on Mrs. Kidd, both roughly and rudely falsely accused and interrogated her even though they all had watched Walmart surveillance video when they first walked into the Access Protection Room.

Pat McCaster speaking to Mrs. Kidd in the Access Protection Room: “You stole the cell phone. That's you in that video. You did it. You are in this video stealing a cell phone.”

Assistant Patrol Commander, Lieutenant Billy Odell yelled at Mrs. Kidd in the Access Protection and said: "You stole a cell phone. That's you in that tape. You stole that cell phone. You are in the video stealing it. The video is showing you stealing the cell phone.”
During the interrogation Mrs. Kidd told the Assistant Patrol Commander Lieutenant Billy O’Dell and Pat McCaster that she had not been in the store, still nothing changed. They wouldn’t check farther into the matter. Instead they continued to fraudulently, intentionally, aggravated, harassed, interrogated and accuse her of stealing a cell phone.

Outside the Access Protection room, Officer C. Campbell was conducting a wrongful, investigation, as well, with her daughter. He also falsely accused Mrs. Kidd of stealing a cell phone out the store. He admitted that they had seen the surveillance video, as well.

Officers C. Campbell speaking to Mrs. Kidd daughter in the lobby, while customers walking in and out the store, staring, stopping, listening and coming back into the store looking:

Officer C. Campbell: "We have her on camera stealing a cell phone. Yes she did it. I watched her myself on the video. I watched the video personally. It was her. She stole it. We seen her."

Afterward Officer C. Campbell changed his story and said that they had not seen the surveillance video.

Officer C. Campbell speaking to Mrs. Kidd daughter: "We don't want to say anything until we watch the video." which possibly could have been said, to deliberately, provoke her while, Lieutenant O'Dell stood watching, knowing that he had watched the video, seconds ago, while we stood in the Access Protection Room with Mrs. Kidd license in his hand.

Officer C. Campbell was told by Mrs. Kidd daughter that her mother had not been in the store. He too, would not check farther into the matter. Instead he continued to conduct a wrongful investigation, in which he said, Mrs. Kidd daughter was a part of, which can be seen on the first video in which Mrs. Kidd, grandson recorded with his cell phone.

The moment, Officer C, Campbell realized he was being record; he immediately ended his investigation, which was unbelievable.
Officer C. Campbell said to us: "Y'all have a great weekend. You have a good day Ma'am." Then Officer C. Campbell walked into the Access Protection Room, while Assistant Patrol Commander, Lieutenant Billy O’Dell stood watching. Immediately,

Assistant Patrol Commander, Lieutenant Bill O’Dell spoke.

Assistant Patrol Commander, Lieutenant Billy O'Dell: “You all have to leave the store, you're too loud. But you free to go."

While, we stood looking, frustrated and devastated, Assistant Patrol Commander, Lieutenant Billy O'Dell calmly, repeated himself.

Assistant Patrol Commander, Lieutenant Billy O'Dell said: "Y'all free to go."

Parking lot:
Once the officers realized that my daughter had called the store and asked for a manager to come out to the parking lot, they had to come out to try to turn this deliberately, interrogation and falsely accused crime around to their favor, as if they were good guys., which were exactly what they tried to do on the second cell phone video.

Also on the second cell phone video you will see and hear Mrs. Kidd daughter confronting Office C. Campbell about the lie he had told to her earlier. You will be surprise to hear his answer, but Mrs. Kidd and her daughter wasn’t surprised, because Officer C. Campbell had finally told the truth.

My daughter confronting Officer C. Campbell: "I was told by this Officer that it was her, they seen her, and it was pen pointed that it was her. No misunderstanding period. You said you watched the video personally."

Officer C. Campbell replied before he went on to lie again: "Because that's what the video said."

He spoke those words, while we all, Assistant Patrol Commander, Lieutenant Billy O'Dell, Walmart Access Protection Manager Sabrina, my Daughter and I stood face to face, in the parking lot.
If you don't listen carefully you will miss Officer C. Campbell, admitting to what my daughter said, he had said, to her before my Grandson had started to record, but this time it is recorded, on the second cell phone video.

This was a case of racial profiling not only by Lieutenant Billy O’Dell and Officer C. Campbell, but by Wa[mart Employee, Pat McCaster, who started it all, perhaps to farther himself within the company, by catching shoplifters, even if someone is innocent and never stepped foot in the store, Mrs.Kidd.

Walmart has posted signs, displayed, on their bathrooms walls that warns its customers not to shoplift.

One of the posted signs states: Shoplifting can leave a person with a record and impact their life. It’s not worth the risk.

The other posted sign states: In order to bring you low prices and effective customer service, shoplifters will be apprehended. Shoplifting is stealing. It’s not a prank, a joke, or a thrill. It’s a crime. Even if it is your first offense, you could be punished with a lengthy prison term and a substantial monetary fine, plus a record that will haunt you for the rest of your life. We apprehend Shoplifters. Please don’t risk it! Walmart

Now Walmart doesn’t have posted signs displayed, on their bathrooms walls that warn its employees that it’s not a prank, a joke, or a thrill. It’s a crime to falsely accuse its customers of shoplifting. You could lose your job and cause us to be sued.
But most of all you can ruin the customer life.

Don’t be, shoplifter happy, to call the police on an innocent customer, until you are sure that person shoplifted.

Shoplifting is a serious crime yet Pat McCaster, Patrol Commander, Lieutenant Billy O’Dell and Officer C. Campbell, knowingly falsely accused the wrong person of such a crime.

If they get away with this, it is possible that they will intentionally, do it all over again, and you, or your sibling, could be next.

Mrs. Kidd is not the only person, who has been falsely accused of shoplifting in a Walmart Store.

However she just might be the only person, who recently sat on a Walmart bench in the lobby, never walked into the main part of the store, but was falsely accused of shoplifting a cell phone out of, Walmart in Saraland, Alabama.

******This happened after the mistreatment of Chikesia Clemons, by the Saraland, Alabama Police Officers.

Keep in mind, as a commanding officer the Captain is responsible for the functions of the patrol officers, namely, Patrol Commander, Lieutenant Eddie Taylor and Assistant Patrol Commander, Lieutenant Billy O’Dell, as well as, Saraland, Alabama, Police Department, Public Safety Director, Chief of Police J. C. West.

Cops take an oath to do things the right way. Cops are obligated to follow the rules, but some don’t always do so, which can cause acts of violence to increase whether its committed by Police Officers against Regular People or Regular People against Police Officers.

This incident, which happen recent was handled unprofessionally, by an Assistant Patrol Commander, namely with title, Assistant Patrol Commander, Lieutenant Billy O’Dell, a man of authority, who supervises street Patrol Officers. If you have a leadership position you must show your colleagues how to handle incidents the right way.
If some of your colleagues see what you, a leader are doing, whether it’s wrong or right they will do it, too.

Sign the Petition and tell Walmart CEO. Dough McMillion and Saraland, Alabama Police Department, Public Safety Director, Chief of Police, J. C. West and Patrol Commander, Lieutenant Eddie Taylor, and Governor Kay Ivey Changes, such as, strong, disciplinary actions must be taken when Police Officers and Walmart Employees, wrongfully violate, Innocent People Rights. We have to follow the rules and they must too.

Mrs. Kidd is asking for all parties to be held accountable for the wrongful crime, in which, she was accused of by their employees.
They are as followed. Assistant Patrol Commander, Lieutenant Billy O'Dell, Officer C. Campbell, Walmart, CEO. Doug McMillon, Walmart Employee Pat McCaster, Access Protection Manager Sabrina, Assistant Store Manager, Rena Peterson, Store Manager, Justin Baxter and Patrol Commander, Lieutenant Eddie Taylor.

Mrs. Kidd calls for an apology, as well from the above named people.

Stop falsely accusing African American people of crimes in all areas that they didn’t commit.

This incident could have been prevented if it was properly investigated by honest Police Officers and by an honest Walmart employee.

Mrs. Kidd was falsely accused, interrogated, humiliated, embarrassed and slander, as well as her family, by Patrol Commander, Lieutenant Billy O’Dell and Officer C. Campbell, who intentionally conducted false investigations both privately and publicly.

Mrs. Kidd never stepped foot in the Walmart Supercenter Store in Saraland, Alabama, but was accused of stealing a cell phone.

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The Walmart Employee & Cops Falsely Accused Lady of Stealing a Cell Phone petition to Walmart CEO Doug McMillon, Employee's, Saraland Alabama Chief J. C. West, Employee's was written by Brenda Kidd and is in the category Forums at GoPetition.