- Target:
- Square Enix
- Region:
We need to get final fantasy 13 on the nintendo switch because we have already gotten alot of final fantasy games already like final fantasy 7, 8 remastered, 9, 10/10-2 HD remaster. More final fantasy games have been announced to come to the switch but not final fantasy 13.
Me and alot of other people i know would really like to see this game come to the switch. For me its my personal favorit final fantasy game (it was also the first one i played)
So please square Enix can we get final fantasy 13 for the switch?
Please sign this petition and send it to all your friends who want to see final fantasy 13 on the switch.
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The We need final fantasy 13 on the nintendo switch petition to Square Enix was written by Viktor Ryssevik and is in the category Gaming at GoPetition.