- Target:
- WithdrawMiers.org
- Region:
- United States of America
- Website:
- harrietmiers.blogspot.com
Hi everyone, its Harriet, you know from the White House!! Thanks for visiting my petition. I hope you feel like its YOUR petition too!
Basically, we the undersigned want whoever does withdrawmiers.org to withdraw withdrawmiers.org. Here are SOME of the reasons...
It is NOT NICE, which means you shouldn't say anything at all.
It's a Waste of Space on the Internet--crowded enough already, esp w/ everyone having a Livejournal!
Harriet Miers is the only nominee we've got, so "love the one you're with." The Supreme Court can't exist if there aren't Justices on it. This is really two reasons.
Hi, this is a personal message from Harriet, not the whole Undersigned. It would mean a lot to me personally if you took it down, like as a personal favor. I am not the type to promise to rule different for different people, but if you do the right thing please know I won't forget it.
Okay its all of us again. Honestly we can't believe you even put it up!!! But its past history now, the important thing is the future, please withdraw it.
So those are the reasons... I hope "you" will join "we"!! And tell you're friends! Because remember... there's no way a petition can be OVERsigned!!!
Dear Whom It May Concern, in this case WithdrawMiers.org,
Hi! Its "The Undersigned." Here's the basic message, PLEASE TAKE DOWN YOU'RE WEB SITE, WithdrawMiers.org.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The WITHDRAW WITHDRAWMIERS.ORG petition to WithdrawMiers.org was written by Harriet Miers and is in the category Justice at GoPetition.