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- Website:
- www.afipa.ift.cx
A petition against the vivisection. We ask that the monkey center from Baziege, called BIOPRIM, be closed because there are many risks :
- human risks : the virus injected into monkeys can be very contagious to human beings. This firms is near of a food warehouse.
- animal risks : animals suffer very much because there is vivisection.
To the prefect from Haute Garonne
To the Master from Baziege.
Nous demandons la fermeture du centre pour primates de Baziege appele BIOPRIm car il présente deux risques :
- risque humains : BIOPRIM est à 200 mètres d'un depot de denree alimentaire.
Les virus injectes dans les singes sont trs contagieux.
- Risque animalier : la vivisection se pratiquera dans ce centre.
Au prefet de la Haute-Garonne
Au Maire de Baziege.
We ask that the monkey center from Baziege, called BIOPRIM, be closed because there are many risks :
- human risks : the virus injected into monkeys can be very contagious to human beings. This firms is near of a food warehouse.
- animal risks : animals suffer very much because there is vivisection.
To the prefect from Haute Garonne
To the Master from Baziege.
Nous demandons la fermeture du centre pour primates de Baziege appele BIOPRIm car il présente deux risques :
- risque humains : BIOPRIM est à 200 mètres d'un depot de denree alimentaire.
Les virus injectes dans les singes sont trs contagieux.
- Risque animalier : la vivisection se pratiquera dans ce centre.
Au prefet de la Haute-Garonne
Au Maire de Baziege.
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The YES FOR THE CLOSING OF MONKEYS CENTER FROM BAZIEGE (FRANCE) petition to AFIPA was written by BISCAYE and is in the category Animal Rights at GoPetition.