- Target:
- Kosarkaski Savez Srbije i Crne Gore - KSSCG
- Region:
September 21, 2005
Reprezentacija Srbije i Crne Gore nije uspela da se kvalifikuje za cetvrtfinale Evropskog prvenstva 2005 i to nakon citavog niza uvredljivih poraza na tri medjunarodna turnira za redom (EP 2005, OI 2004, EP 2003).
Stoga moraju - u svakom slucaju - biti zapocete ozbiljne reforme Kosarkaskom savezu Srbije i Crne Gore.
The national basketball team of Serbia&Montenegro has failed to qualify for quarter finals at the European Championships 2005 in a row of humiliating losses at the last three international competitions (EC 2005, Olympics 2004, EC 2003).
There must - under all circumstances - be started serious reforms in the Basketball Federation of Serbia&Montenegro.
Mi, potpisnici peticije, zahtevamo od KSSCG da se zapocne za ozbiljnm reformama: Da se otpusti trenutnog selektora za sva vremena, da se ukinu sve aktivnosti srpskih klubova u Jadranskoj ligi, da se zaustavi prodaja mladih srpskih igraca (ispod 23 godina) u NBA, ukoliko ne postoje garancije za zapazenu minutazu, i da se preduzmu najozbiljnije mere da se Srpska kosarkaska liga pretvori u jednu od vodecih evropskih liga.
We, the undersigning, demand the Basketball Federation of Serbia&Montenegro to start serious reforms. We especially demand the KSSCG to fire the current national coach and/or to never provide him with any function in the KSSCG anymore, to stop every activity of Serbian teams in the so called Adriatic League, to stop the selling of young Serbian players (under 23) to the NBA if there is no guarantee for them to have significant minutes there, and to undertake the most serious efforts to build up the Serbian Basketball League to a leading league in Europe.
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The Zapoceti reforme KSSCG - start reform of KSSCG petition to Kosarkaski Savez Srbije i Crne Gore - KSSCG was written by Serbien-Montenegro.de and is in the category Sports at GoPetition.