- Target:
- Ontario Municipal Board
- Region:
- Canada
- Website:
- www.flora.org
We are sending this e-mail and message to you because of your interest in preserving environmental land in the area north of the Beaverpond/Kizzel Drain.
A proposal by the City of Ottawa to amend the City of Ottawa Official Plan and Zoning to allow a subdivision to accommodate some 3,000 homes in an area which has significant environmental value has been appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) by a group of Kanata Lakes/Beaverbrook residents as well as the Kanata Beaverbrook Community Association and the Greenspace Alliance of Canada's Capital.
The Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) Hearing of the appeals will be held at the Walter Baker Centre (Kanata Recreation Centre) on Terry Fox Drive (100 Walter Baker Place) and will commence at 1:00 p.m. on Monday, November 7, 2005.
The evening of November 9, 2005 has been set aside to hear the views of the public at large. The Public Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday November 9, 2005 for the Walter Baker Centre commencing at 7:00 p.m. You can attend both the formal sessions during the day and, in particular, the public session which we encourage you to attend and to give your view to the OMB - verbally, in writing, with photographs or a combination.
If the development proceeds as proposed, a significant portion of the community heritage and its forest will be lost along with the attendant recreational and natural environmental amenities.
The OMB gives serious consideration to the views of the public, particularly when there is a strong contingent of the public making representations to the Board on issues being considered.
We, the employees of Semiconductor Insights, would like to increase the amount of greenspace for recreational use that is in the current Ottawa Official zoning plan.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Zoning of the Kanata Woodlands in the Beaverpond Area petition to Ontario Municipal Board was written by Simmi Mangat and is in the category Environment at GoPetition.