要求公營藝術機構合乎道德的作業方式 Call for better ethical practices of public institutions for contemporary art

- Target:
- 香港藝術發展局及M+/ Hong Kong Arts Development Council and M+
- Region:
- Hong Kong
2012年6月22日, 香港藝術發展局(「藝發局」)及西九文化區視覺文化博物館M+,"藝術家李傑將代表香港在第55屆威尼斯藝術雙年展亮相。" 這個突如其來而獨斷的決定,改變了過往以公開徵集計劃書方式來甄選藝術家代表香港參與威尼斯雙年展的政策,實屬黑箱作業,事前並沒有公開相關改動部署之意圖及進行諮詢,也沒有向大眾交代及闡釋。相反,卻令大眾對藝發局及M+的角色更不明所以。誠然,是次決定乃香港藝術發展的一大倒退。
On June 22, 2012, the Hong Kong Arts Development Council and M+ announced the selection of LEE Kit as the artist to represent Hong Kong at the 55th International Art Exhibition of the Venice Biennale, 2013.
The announcement marked a sudden and arbitrary policy change in the selection of artists representing Hong Kong in the Venice Biennale. The policy change was made in a black box, and was communicated and articulated in a way that confused public understanding on the role of HKADC and M+.
This is a serious and unfortunate setback for the development of art in Hong Kong.
1. 公開有關詳細紀錄(包括電郵、會議紀錄、對話筆記等),包括藝發局及M+從一開始回顧以致改變香港參與威尼斯雙年展的公開甄選制度之相關討論;藝發局及M+從一開始到落實決定兩者合作之相關討論;藝發局及M+從一開始到決定委任李立偉為威尼斯雙年展香港館之策展人;
2. 向公眾詳細解釋藝發局與M+之間有沒有就更長遠的具體關係作出安排;如有,是何關係及原因為何;如無,原因亦為何。
*聲明全文可向楊陽以電郵或FB索取 yangy817@gmail.com
We demand that the HKADC and M+:
1. Provide the public with detailed records (including emails, meeting minutes, written notes of conversations etc.) of the HKADC council meetings and from the very start of HKADC and M+ communication that eventually led to the change of policy on the presentation of Hong Kong artists in the Biennale, including the ADC/M+ partnership and the appointment of the curator.
2. Explain thoroughly in public if there has been any longer term arrangement in specifying the relation between HKADC and M+; if so, what are they and why; if not, why not.
*Full version of the open statement is available on contact person Yeung Yang's FB or by request via email: yangy817@gmail.com.
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The 要求公營藝術機構合乎道德的作業方式 Call for better ethical practices of public institutions for contemporary art petition to 香港藝術發展局及M+/ Hong Kong Arts Development Council and M+ was written by Yeung and is in the category Civil Rights at GoPetition.