Texas' capitol building grounds in Austin has a monument depicting the Ten Commandments on it -- on public property. The… read more
1. Our purpose is to: a) Offer moral support to Mark Steyn, Ezra Levant, and all prior victims of the… read more
Never before in our nation's history have the civil liberties of Canadians been under such an assault as they are… read more
Hello people! A lot of you know what NOW is all about. For those who don’t, I won’t even try… read more
[English translation below]
The Democrats in our legislative branches wish to silence conservative radio through the use of what is called "The Fairness… read more
deviantART is a popular online artistic community. It was first launched on August 7, 2000 by Scott Jarkoff and Matthew… read more
The University of Calgary recently attempted to censor and intimidate a group of its own students who wished to engage… read more
The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) is a Marxist orientated body whose main existence seems to be not to… read more
вважаємо недопустимими втручання в приватне життя людини і законодавче впровадження цензури під виглядом боротьби з дитячою порнографією, тому вимагаємо скасування… read more