- Target:
- everyone everywhere
- Region:
- Website:
- en.wikipedia.org
Inspired by those before me who dedicated their lives to the cause of peace on Earth.
We, the citizens of planet Earth are becoming aware that our kind, “humankind” is entering a new consciousness and awareness. One by one, people everywhere are awakening to the true nature of our lives.
We are removing boundaries and fostering relationships on every level to promote genuine peace worldwide. We are realizing that we are not separate, but in fact, all interconnected. This awareness based on love, understanding, and compassion is spreading rapidly everywhere across the planet. The rights of all beings, including animals, to be happy and live free in a peaceful world can no longer be challenged. We will no longer accept our governments ignoring the peaceful ideals of their citizens.
We are declaring our right to peaceful coexistence as the citizens of the planet that we all share. The governments of the world exist to serve the people and provide for progress and peace. The people of the world do not exist to serve their governments and provide for casualties, division, and war. We, the citizens of planet Earth, and the governments of the world to whom we entrust, must work together to build lasting peaceful relationships, worldwide, on every level. War now, leads to war later. Peace now, leads to peace later. No lasting peace has ever come from war. The time is now for peace on Earth.
Everyday our governments of the world, in cooperation with the large banks and corporations that back them, by way of the media that they mandate, perpetuate the illusion that we are a divided people, separated by religion, race, class, or ideals. Nothing could be further from the truth. All people, in every corner of the Earth want to live in peace and raise their families on a peaceful planet in a peaceful setting. People of the world are more commonly coming to live by the “Golden Rule”. This “Golden Rule”: Do unto others as you would have done unto yourself. Love thy neighbor as you love thyself, etc., exists in some form in every religion and philosophy.
Though we may have different beliefs and cultures, respecting these differences and coexisting peacefully with each other is vital for the survival of all inhabitants of our planet, and the planet itself. There will always be differences among people and nations. However, we must all embrace our differences and maintain constant dialogue based on what we do have in common to foster peace.
In this new consciousness, all citizens of the planet Earth truly belong to "One human family". Brothers and sisters of the Earth, the time is now! We are cresting the peak of a very pivotal point in our existence on this Earth! It is time to stand up and be heard!
We, the citizens of planet Earth, are collectively petitioning all of our governments for that of complete and immediate unconditional conventional and nuclear worldwide military disarmament, effectively ending all standing armies, with only civilians and police retaining the right to bear arms for national defense, self defense, law enforcement, and also for hunting and for shooting sport purposes. We are collectively petitioning for the monies currently allocated for war and weapons of war internationally, be immediately and specifically designated to end war, hunger, and poverty worldwide by investing in renewable and sustainable resources. By signing this international petition for peace, I vow to never compromise my integrity, never faltering at any cost, in the non-violent fight for peace on Earth. To sum up: We, the citizens of planet Earth will no longer fight, support, or otherwise participate in any war or mortal conflict of any type.
This proposal for peace is directly inspired and dedicated to the cause and memory of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Josei Toda, Mahatma Ghandi, and to all those great many other peacemakers before us who have dedicated their lives to this cause. Everyday we must individually challenge ourselves to never falter, and stand up for peace. Again, we must all be uncompromising in our integrity.
Submitted in solidarity, from the citizens of planet Earth.
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The A DECLARATION FOR PEACE, FROM THE CITIZENS OF PLANET EARTH petition to everyone everywhere was written by me and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.