- Target:
- 100
- Region:
- Uganda
- Website:
- www.shammahbenefits.com
Regimes , mostly those of dictators and / leaders who can't tolerate criticism have for a longtime put pressure on Social Media sites mostly Facebook , Twitter , YouTube and TikTok to mark our content as not appropriate or disable our accounts.
Though these companies would like to be independent as possible but sometimes they're also pushed to wall to act . By now alot of facebook accounts Which criticise wrongs in governments and are dedicated to political activism have been facing limitation from posting, being blocked and some deleted with no good reason, taking example from well known BLACK LIVES MATTER activists, Ugandan PEOPLE POWER ACTIVISTS and my own facebook page " shammah benefits" being limited from posting and YouTube account monetization permanently disabled with out any reason or even a warning.
Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and TikTok among other online social sites updated there terms of use this year but never did they mention Social media /political activism as violation of terms anywhere.
-First I call upon all heads at the above mentioned sites and more to come out and explain this issue and also get it resolved
- I also call upon my fellow activists to write and put pressure to these organization asking them for explanation on what is going on.
By: Shammah Benefits
We, the undersigned, call on the Facebook to stop limiting access, blocking and deleting accounts that belong to political activists.
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The FACEBOOK Must End Attack on Political Activists petition to 100 was written by Naduli Edward and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.