Free Iranian Soldiers Taken Hostage by Jaish Al-Adl
- mahya rafati

- Target:
- UN,Ban Ki Moon,Amnesty,International community,EU,Peace and Justice Organizations,Ahmed Shaheed
- Region:
5 Innocent young stairs who are doing their compulsory military service have been sent to eastern border line of Iran to guard the borders against drug smugglers and support the social safety of their country have been kidnapped by a very dangerous, extremist terrorist group named Jaish Al-Adl.
These boys have no political or religious tendency and seems they are victims of religious superstitious and dirty political goals, their family are experiencing terrible moments each second they are waiting for the horrible news of the death of their sons.
This is not the first time that we are witness of such barbaric moves which ends to the slaughter of our innocent people for blind superstitious aims.
Jaish Al-Adl is an armed militia group which began it,s terrorist activities after Jondollah group was collapsed. By reorganizing the members of that group they began to struggle with the Iranian government by blind terrors and intimidation the people of the south eastern region of Iran. They have accepted the responsibility of a few terrorist explosions and military operations against border police posts which ended to the death of military and also civil citizens of Iran.
Please help us to release our innocent boys whom are taken hostage by the terrorists.
(Free Iranian Soldiers Taken Hostage By Jaish Al-Adl).
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The Free Iranian Soldiers Taken Hostage by Jaish Al-Adl petition to UN,Ban Ki Moon,Amnesty,International community,EU,Peace and Justice Organizations,Ahmed Shaheed was written by mahya rafati and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.