- Target:
- Ahmed Shaheed, UN, OHCHR, Navi Pillay, Ban ki-Moon, EU, European Parliament, State Department
- Region:
- Website:
- hra-news.org
Soroush Sabet, a university student whose charges stemmed from taking part in left-wing protests in 2007, was handed a 2-year prison sentence. On Sunday September 2nd 2012 this student was transferred to ward 350 at Evin prison to serve his sentence.
Judge Moghiseh notified Soursh’s attorney Mahnaz Parakand of the 2-year sentence on November 2, 2009 and Branch 16 of the Tehran Appellate Court upheld the ruling.
Soroush Sabet, bronze winner of the Computer Olympiad in 2002, came in second at the Mathematics Olympiad the same year. In 2009 he scored the highest ranking, coming in first in his year’s qualification examinations.
The basis for his two-year prison sentence are charges of endangering national security, and gathering and collusion to disrupt public security.
On Saturday, July 20 2013, it was reported that Soroush Sabet, together with fellow prisoners of conscience Reza Shahbi Zakaria, Fereydun Seydi Rad, Said Haeri, Vahid Ali Gholipour and Said Jalalifar have started hunger strike to protest against the transfer of Said Matinpour, an imprisoned Azerbaijani rights activis, to the solitary confinement in ward 240 of Evin prison.
These prisoners of conscience have said in a short message: “Because Said Matinpour has been transferred to the solitaries of ward 240 without any acceptable reason. We announce that we want him to benefit the health treatment and specially furlough and since transferring him to the solitary in with no acceptable reason and we are worried about his health condition so much, we start our hunger strike from Thursday July 18, 2013 till he is brought back to ward 350.”
WHEREAS: Iranian student Soroush Sabet has been sentenced to two years in prison based solely on his peaceful student activism and is thus clearly a prisoner of conscience;
AND WHEREAS: The prison sentence, and the charges upon which it is based are thus illegal under Article 19 of the International Covenant On Civil And Political Rights--to which Iran is a signatory state--as well as Article 24 of the Iranian Constitution;
THEREFORE: We the undersigned demand that the international community at all levels bring all possible pressure to bear upon the Islamic Republic of Iran to IMMEDIATELY and UNCONDTIONALLY release Soroush Sabet from prison, vacate his illegal prison sentence and drop all equally illegal charges filed against him.
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The Free Iranian Student Activist Soroush Sabet petition to Ahmed Shaheed, UN, OHCHR, Navi Pillay, Ban ki-Moon, EU, European Parliament, State Department was written by John S. Burke and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.