#Human Rights
Ahmed Shaheed , Amnesty , UN, Navi Pillay,HRW, EU members Ban Ki Moon, Hassan Rouhani
United States of America

July 1, 2013 Mir Taher Mousavi, a Former MP, a university instructor, and a member of Mir Hossein Mousavi’s 2009 presidential campaign, has been sentenced to three years imprisonment plus two years suspended sentence.

Mir Taher Mousavi, former governor of Karaj, former Vice President of the National Security and Foreign Policy Commission, former CEO of Kahrizak Hospice Charity and the founder of it’s second branch in Mohamad Shahr Karaj, Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences University instructor, and coordination assistant of Mir Hossein Mousavi’s 2009 presidential campaign has been sentenced by the Appeals Court.

Mir Taher Mousavi was previously sentenced by Branch 26 of the Revolutionary Court to 5 years imprisonment to be served in Sistan and Balouchestan province, plus 10 years exile in the same province on charges of anti-national security acts through assembly and collusion. Branch 54 of the Court of Appeals has now reduced his sentence to 3 years imprisonment plus 2 years suspended sentence.

Mir Taher Mousavi was arrested last year at Imam Khomeini International airport when returning to Iran from a family trip abroad. For many months he was incarcerated in solitary confinement at Ward 209 of Evin prison (the Intelligence Ministry’s ward) under heavy pressure and severe physical and psychological torture.

Mir Taher Mousavi suffers from various illness and a heart condition and was under physicians care prior to arrest. His medical records were given to his interrogators by his family but not only they did not provide proper medical care but kept him in solitary confinement for 8 months before transferring him to the General Ward 350 in Evin prison. They also denied him bail after being pressured by the Intelligence Ministry.

(SOURCE: Kaleme, Translation by Persian Banoo)

WHEREAS: Free Mir Taher Mousavi is clearly a prisoner of conscience who has been sentenced solely on the basis of his peaceful political activism in the Iranian reformist movement;

AND WHEREAS: His conviction and imprisonment is therefore illegal under Article 18, Section 1, and Article 19, Sections 1 and 2, of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights as well as Article 24 of the Iranian Consitution;

AND WHEREAS: He has been tortured both physically and psychologically and also been denied adequate medical care for his heart condition and other medical problems;

THEREFORE: We the undersigned demand that the international community bring ALL POSSIBLE pressure to bear upon the Islamic Republic of Iran to IMMEDIATELY and UNCONDTIONALLY release of Mir Taher Mousavi, vacate hisillegal conviction, drop all (equally illegal) charges brought against him, and IMMEDIATELY secure him full access to all the health care he requires.

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The Free Mir Taher Mousavi, Former MP (Member of Parliament), Current PP (Political Prisoner) of Iran petition to Ahmed Shaheed , Amnesty , UN, Navi Pillay,HRW, EU members Ban Ki Moon, Hassan Rouhani was written by John S. Burke and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.