#Human Rights
Dan Forrest for Governor
United States of America

Good Day Sir, the people are in dire need of your help. Our elderly and sick are scared and dying alone under quarantine in hospitals and nursing homes everyday. It is a proven scientific fact that human contact from loved ones is a contributing factor to the healing process. The levels of stress and anxiety are only amplified when waking up alone not knowing if you will ever see your loved ones again. We are being told that we may not visit and that it's a liability. We the people are not even given the option of signing a waiver releasing said party's of obligations. Our freedoms have been stripped from us with our loved ones paying the price. We are begging for your help in this please fight for our rights. Nobody deserves to die alone!

The Citizens of the State of North Carolina are demanding the Representatives and Senators of the NC Legislature set aside their agendas and political allegiance and uphold the constitution, and allow us to be with loved ones immediately!

The citizens will not elect or tolerate those politicians in the Legislature who are in direct violation of their oath of office to uphold the NC and US Constitution.

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The Free our loved ones! petition to Dan Forrest for Governor was written by American Independence Movement and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.